why why why why why why why why
would you cause such a stupid argument for no reason?
why why why why why why why why
my head feels like it will explode, i'm stupidly angry.

Friday, 12 November 2010
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
it's been far to long blogger, i reliase no one really reads this, but it nice to get my words out, the ones who have been spinning around my head anoying me and not letting me get on with anything else.
So i've just finished my first half term of 6th form, safe to say my dreams of a super-cool-laid-back version of school was blown out th window as soon as i walked into my very first class. Each and every teacher trying to scare you out of their class, none of us really had a chance to begin with. A few weeks into the academic year, i had an angry art teacher on my back saying i wasn't "taking her lesson seriously" after being rather offended by her comment, i've been trying extra hard, even though she has now ruined art for me and i plan to quit it at the end of year 12. Surely teachers are there to ENcourage not DIScourage? Who knows anymore, i certainly don't...
So that shook me up pretty bad, then a couple of weeks later, final starting to think "yeah things are going great" only to recieve a letter from biology informing me i got 2 'U's in my end of unit tests, not so good... How is it that i'm actually doing better in chemistry, the extreamly hard mathematical subject rather than fun old biology which i adore?!
I went into 6th form thinking i'd do an english lit and philosophy degree, but chnaged my mind after getting an A* in chemistry gcse then decided to do a biology degree, then it changed to biochemistry, now it's moved onto enviromental science with a year of studying abroad? oh my mind changes far too often...
finally, on top of all this, i have my mother who constantly brings up the fact i dont have a boyfriend (i swear parents dont want you to have one?)
anyway, that is all for tonight my non existant readers
au revoir!
So i've just finished my first half term of 6th form, safe to say my dreams of a super-cool-laid-back version of school was blown out th window as soon as i walked into my very first class. Each and every teacher trying to scare you out of their class, none of us really had a chance to begin with. A few weeks into the academic year, i had an angry art teacher on my back saying i wasn't "taking her lesson seriously" after being rather offended by her comment, i've been trying extra hard, even though she has now ruined art for me and i plan to quit it at the end of year 12. Surely teachers are there to ENcourage not DIScourage? Who knows anymore, i certainly don't...
So that shook me up pretty bad, then a couple of weeks later, final starting to think "yeah things are going great" only to recieve a letter from biology informing me i got 2 'U's in my end of unit tests, not so good... How is it that i'm actually doing better in chemistry, the extreamly hard mathematical subject rather than fun old biology which i adore?!
I went into 6th form thinking i'd do an english lit and philosophy degree, but chnaged my mind after getting an A* in chemistry gcse then decided to do a biology degree, then it changed to biochemistry, now it's moved onto enviromental science with a year of studying abroad? oh my mind changes far too often...
finally, on top of all this, i have my mother who constantly brings up the fact i dont have a boyfriend (i swear parents dont want you to have one?)
anyway, that is all for tonight my non existant readers
au revoir!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
The smile upon my face is ridiculous, and the best thing is I'm smiling for no reason. I can't seem to wipe it off my face and i keep on giggling at the fact I'm smiling so hard. It really does feel lovely to feel this happy and once again for no reason!
It's actually true what they say, smiling makes you happy, not being happy makes you smile!
ahh man, and this is a song which is making me smile even more, so enjoyyyy: http://www.youtube.com/user/TravisRClark?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/Ckd36qfxRYI
It's actually true what they say, smiling makes you happy, not being happy makes you smile!
ahh man, and this is a song which is making me smile even more, so enjoyyyy: http://www.youtube.com/user/TravisRClark?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/Ckd36qfxRYI
Sunday, 22 August 2010
needed to get this off my chest.
I'm pissed off and annoyed at this stupid situation that i have been put in. A situation i have no control over. A situation which is forcing me to choose. How on earth is it fair that you decide to do this, and you both get along with your lives, you dont have to be pushed between two places. You get to carry on as normal. This situation has no affect on you, yet it's changed my whole life.
I don't understand how i'm stuck between two places. It's like i'm the only one who's being punnished and i haven't even done a thing wrong. I'm being punished for you two not being able to sort things out. No point in telling me lodes of people have to go through it, i didnt want this to happen, you made it happen and now i'm paying the price, thanks.
Also, i've been put in the role of the "messenger" as you two refuse communtication i'm delivering letters and asking your questions becuase you won't.
It's unfair that i dont have all my things with me, because i'm at one place and my stuff is at another. All your stuff is with you, yet mines being shipped around and pushed between the pair of you. On top of all that its my choice as to who's feelings i hurt.
i'm not angry at either of you, but i'm so angry/upset/annoyed at this situation because you're not going through it and i am.
sorry, i just needed to vent.
I don't understand how i'm stuck between two places. It's like i'm the only one who's being punnished and i haven't even done a thing wrong. I'm being punished for you two not being able to sort things out. No point in telling me lodes of people have to go through it, i didnt want this to happen, you made it happen and now i'm paying the price, thanks.
Also, i've been put in the role of the "messenger" as you two refuse communtication i'm delivering letters and asking your questions becuase you won't.
It's unfair that i dont have all my things with me, because i'm at one place and my stuff is at another. All your stuff is with you, yet mines being shipped around and pushed between the pair of you. On top of all that its my choice as to who's feelings i hurt.
i'm not angry at either of you, but i'm so angry/upset/annoyed at this situation because you're not going through it and i am.
sorry, i just needed to vent.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
This is surprising for me, eh?
But nno! I am a happy gal, just I normally only blog when I'm angry/upset/WHATVER. But i'm happy. I've have such a 'chill' day, it's been so great. I stayed at my friends last night, 10 of us, I think i was the only sober one, but it's cool because i so much fun last night, so now I know I don't rely on mr.alcohol for fun! I can go back to sober gen, who has fun, but who does not do stupid things- THIS IS A GOOD THING, TRUST ME. Yeah, so last night was wickkkkkked, laughed so hard, who needs exercise when you can laugh like that?! ;')
Anyway, so the morning began with a darlic alarm clock going off "EXTERMINATE"- it wass err, an intressting way to wake up? aahah and then a few of us decided to wake the finall sleepers with some great dancing and terrible singing to "brimful of ashes", they absaloutly loved us afterwards :')
ahahah, yepp, so after I came home, me and my sister took wags for a walk down to the river and took some photos, which'll be lovely for my scrapbook :D
yay, and then i just sat outsid with wags for a while and just "CHILLED" in the sun. so good.
what can i say, i'm a girl who loves to chill!
I feel so relaxed, but I still haven't excepted that the school holidays have started for me?! 10 weeks of pure bliss, although i am so excited for next year :D
ahah ii'll stop babbling now, sorry i've just bored you with my activites, but i thought you might want to know that i'm not always mood and angry!
This is surprising for me, eh?
But nno! I am a happy gal, just I normally only blog when I'm angry/upset/WHATVER. But i'm happy. I've have such a 'chill' day, it's been so great. I stayed at my friends last night, 10 of us, I think i was the only sober one, but it's cool because i so much fun last night, so now I know I don't rely on mr.alcohol for fun! I can go back to sober gen, who has fun, but who does not do stupid things- THIS IS A GOOD THING, TRUST ME. Yeah, so last night was wickkkkkked, laughed so hard, who needs exercise when you can laugh like that?! ;')
Anyway, so the morning began with a darlic alarm clock going off "EXTERMINATE"- it wass err, an intressting way to wake up? aahah and then a few of us decided to wake the finall sleepers with some great dancing and terrible singing to "brimful of ashes", they absaloutly loved us afterwards :')
ahahah, yepp, so after I came home, me and my sister took wags for a walk down to the river and took some photos, which'll be lovely for my scrapbook :D
yay, and then i just sat outsid with wags for a while and just "CHILLED" in the sun. so good.
what can i say, i'm a girl who loves to chill!
I feel so relaxed, but I still haven't excepted that the school holidays have started for me?! 10 weeks of pure bliss, although i am so excited for next year :D
ahah ii'll stop babbling now, sorry i've just bored you with my activites, but i thought you might want to know that i'm not always mood and angry!
Monday, 21 June 2010
I'm fed up and you are a bitch.
I'm shocked that you're doing this again.
See, I was dreading the next couple of weeks, but you've made it so much easier for me. I never really used to believe the whole "silver lineing" to everything, but now I think i've finally found it. Yes, it doesn't really make it better at all, it's still going to be the absaloute shittest thing ever, but you've made me just that tiny bit happy it's happening yannno?
so thank you, but i hope that one day you grow out of this
I'm shocked that you're doing this again.
See, I was dreading the next couple of weeks, but you've made it so much easier for me. I never really used to believe the whole "silver lineing" to everything, but now I think i've finally found it. Yes, it doesn't really make it better at all, it's still going to be the absaloute shittest thing ever, but you've made me just that tiny bit happy it's happening yannno?
so thank you, but i hope that one day you grow out of this
Monday, 10 May 2010
Maybe I should get a better calender?
So there I was, staring my exams straight in the face, although I thought the showdown was 3 weeks away, I had the horrible realisation in my enligsh class that infact it was only 2. Now my first reaction was "huhuhjkshdjklhklj?!?"??!?" and then by "CRAAAAAAAAAAAP" then by, "have I even done any revision?" then finally "stop have a thought conversation and pay attention and learn something" Ha.
So yes, horrifc news. Isn't it horrible when you think something is further away than it actually is. It's the horrid thought of falliure that scares the liiving days out of me. Because it would mean I would've lost the 2 year battle against my upcomming exams, and I cannot deal with losing.
I've done about 2 hours revision tonight, but I don't even know if thats enough? I should proberbly do some more? Yes, good plan batman.
ps. Just heard that gordon brown will be resigning, saddens me so much, genuinly thought I loved him. But after seeing the possible next leader of the labour party, david milliband, i've realised he's so much better.
So yes, horrifc news. Isn't it horrible when you think something is further away than it actually is. It's the horrid thought of falliure that scares the liiving days out of me. Because it would mean I would've lost the 2 year battle against my upcomming exams, and I cannot deal with losing.
I've done about 2 hours revision tonight, but I don't even know if thats enough? I should proberbly do some more? Yes, good plan batman.
ps. Just heard that gordon brown will be resigning, saddens me so much, genuinly thought I loved him. But after seeing the possible next leader of the labour party, david milliband, i've realised he's so much better.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
thinking positive.
I'm heading off to bed in a sec, but I wanted to just blogg a bit before I hit the hay.
Not a lot to say, apart from I;m going to try and be more positive, I'm going to try to stop saying things I don't like and things I do like. A negative attitude won't take me anywhere, so what's the point in it? I know, I know, i'll be back on here with in a matter of days complaining about this and that, but I promise I will try my hardest, even to feel positive about maths ;o ahah
Although, this election is really anoying. I love labour, I love everything about it. And I just fail at seeing anything good about conservative at all, the fact that ever since I can remember it's always been labour, proberbly does sway me to wanting them to remain in power, just because it;s what i've always known but I do really think they are good! And lib dems, well I like to whole free uni policy but thats about it. Anyway, i'm not 18, so I can;t vote, so my opinion doesn't even count, so that was pointless talking about that.
Right that was my final negative attitude towards something! Well, I can't promise. But i'll attempt to keep it up for a few days!
Not a lot to say, apart from I;m going to try and be more positive, I'm going to try to stop saying things I don't like and things I do like. A negative attitude won't take me anywhere, so what's the point in it? I know, I know, i'll be back on here with in a matter of days complaining about this and that, but I promise I will try my hardest, even to feel positive about maths ;o ahah
Although, this election is really anoying. I love labour, I love everything about it. And I just fail at seeing anything good about conservative at all, the fact that ever since I can remember it's always been labour, proberbly does sway me to wanting them to remain in power, just because it;s what i've always known but I do really think they are good! And lib dems, well I like to whole free uni policy but thats about it. Anyway, i'm not 18, so I can;t vote, so my opinion doesn't even count, so that was pointless talking about that.
Right that was my final negative attitude towards something! Well, I can't promise. But i'll attempt to keep it up for a few days!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Bonjour blogger,
I love art.
I know i get angry with it but at the end of the day I really do love it.
It's so relaxing and it's just nice to be able to make something that was a thought into something that's infront of you.
And oh I just simply LOVE it when I get to use symbolism. It's great. I paint somthing and write about what I feel it means. And, you can't really be wrong. It so influential and ooh I love it. I know i'm not the best, but I still enjoy it.
I'm actually excited for my art exam, I just need to get a bit more work down in my book.
I did have a point where I was thinking, "should i really be taking art for A level?" But you know what screw it. I like it. Art is fun. I need a chill subject, and art is just that.
I love art.
I know i get angry with it but at the end of the day I really do love it.
It's so relaxing and it's just nice to be able to make something that was a thought into something that's infront of you.
And oh I just simply LOVE it when I get to use symbolism. It's great. I paint somthing and write about what I feel it means. And, you can't really be wrong. It so influential and ooh I love it. I know i'm not the best, but I still enjoy it.
I'm actually excited for my art exam, I just need to get a bit more work down in my book.
I did have a point where I was thinking, "should i really be taking art for A level?" But you know what screw it. I like it. Art is fun. I need a chill subject, and art is just that.
Monday, 26 April 2010
just some random ramble
HI blogger!
I'm feeling really relaxed right now, just enjoying being calm and content. I don't suppose i'll be feeling so calm in the next few months, so i'm really going to take this feeling in.
You may know how into music I am, but then again you may not. I like how I can find a song for whatever mood i'm in. See my cousin said something last month whilst discussing this band "you'll appreaciate them more when you're out of the whole 'no one understnds what i'm feeling like' kind of music" I agree, and dissagree.
I realise that i'm in the whole teenage grumpy mood swinging time. But also that, the music is able to match my mood because the music was written whilst someone was in that mood. It may not be the same circumsatnces but it works all the same. It may not have been the same trigger, not the exact same mood but its close enough to understand.
And erm basically i'm just glad theres something to relate to.
I'm feeling really relaxed right now, just enjoying being calm and content. I don't suppose i'll be feeling so calm in the next few months, so i'm really going to take this feeling in.
You may know how into music I am, but then again you may not. I like how I can find a song for whatever mood i'm in. See my cousin said something last month whilst discussing this band "you'll appreaciate them more when you're out of the whole 'no one understnds what i'm feeling like' kind of music" I agree, and dissagree.
I realise that i'm in the whole teenage grumpy mood swinging time. But also that, the music is able to match my mood because the music was written whilst someone was in that mood. It may not be the same circumsatnces but it works all the same. It may not have been the same trigger, not the exact same mood but its close enough to understand.
And erm basically i'm just glad theres something to relate to.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Breakable objects.
Dear blogger,
Mood has been lifted. May not stay content for long. Fragile state of mood. Please be careful, lets not break it. :)
that is all
my lovely lovely followers
Mood has been lifted. May not stay content for long. Fragile state of mood. Please be careful, lets not break it. :)
that is all
my lovely lovely followers
Friday, 16 April 2010
I deffinatly said 'I' too many times in this blog.
I'm average I'm average I'm average I'm average I'm average I'm average I'm average
I want to be talented and have that one thing i know i'll suceed in. The one thing i'm better at than everyone else. I want a something i can fall back on. Something I enjoy, something others enjoy. I kind of always believed that everyone had one thing, and they'd just find it and that's be it. But i'm starting to see it's not like that at all. Some people get gifts, others don't. Some people give up, but some people work to get somewhere were they may not be the best, but they are pretty damn good. Unless I stumble across my talent, i'm just going to have to work, but the things is, there's not much I enjoy so much that i know i want to continue with it forver. I really do get bored so easy, and i tend to give up too early. I find it so hard to do something over and over because of the bordom, i like doing things when i feel i really want to, then it turns into a hobby, i don't want to force myself into doing something i dont really enjoy. The hobbies i do get proberbly don't even count as hobbies because i do them so randomly, and often end up forgetting how much i enjoy them. I think i've been contradicting myself a lot in this blog and it proberbly doesn't flow, but when i'm bored, i eat, and i ramble. So i just ate left over dinner and then this blog happened.
I want to be talented and have that one thing i know i'll suceed in. The one thing i'm better at than everyone else. I want a something i can fall back on. Something I enjoy, something others enjoy. I kind of always believed that everyone had one thing, and they'd just find it and that's be it. But i'm starting to see it's not like that at all. Some people get gifts, others don't. Some people give up, but some people work to get somewhere were they may not be the best, but they are pretty damn good. Unless I stumble across my talent, i'm just going to have to work, but the things is, there's not much I enjoy so much that i know i want to continue with it forver. I really do get bored so easy, and i tend to give up too early. I find it so hard to do something over and over because of the bordom, i like doing things when i feel i really want to, then it turns into a hobby, i don't want to force myself into doing something i dont really enjoy. The hobbies i do get proberbly don't even count as hobbies because i do them so randomly, and often end up forgetting how much i enjoy them. I think i've been contradicting myself a lot in this blog and it proberbly doesn't flow, but when i'm bored, i eat, and i ramble. So i just ate left over dinner and then this blog happened.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Pointless really.
I don't really know what I want to blog about today, I just know I do.
I'm feeling a bit like disconnected? I'm not sure if thats the right word, but I think it'll do. Oh perfect way to descibe it: so imagine an astronaut in space and when they go out to fix a spacecraft or just a general stroll and they are securred to the space craft. yep thats how i'm feeling, like in limbo, not at the place where i began, not at the destination. I'm not sure why i'm feeling like this, all i know is I am.
It could be the comming exams, the revison's started, but the exams are yet to come.
It could be my age, too old for somethings but too young for eveything else.
It could be because i'm bored and i want to go out even though i know i should be working.
OH NO, just remember i have to finish a maths paper, i should probs get cracking thats proberbly going to take the rest of the holidays up.
so to sum up, a pointless blog about pointless things, that you proberbly arn't intressed or give a damn. So gutted at you if you read this, also, i'm sorry for my rambling and boring blogs ;)
I'm feeling a bit like disconnected? I'm not sure if thats the right word, but I think it'll do. Oh perfect way to descibe it: so imagine an astronaut in space and when they go out to fix a spacecraft or just a general stroll and they are securred to the space craft. yep thats how i'm feeling, like in limbo, not at the place where i began, not at the destination. I'm not sure why i'm feeling like this, all i know is I am.
It could be the comming exams, the revison's started, but the exams are yet to come.
It could be my age, too old for somethings but too young for eveything else.
It could be because i'm bored and i want to go out even though i know i should be working.
OH NO, just remember i have to finish a maths paper, i should probs get cracking thats proberbly going to take the rest of the holidays up.
so to sum up, a pointless blog about pointless things, that you proberbly arn't intressed or give a damn. So gutted at you if you read this, also, i'm sorry for my rambling and boring blogs ;)
Sunday, 11 April 2010
wasted night= wasted day
Ha, it's so true. I can't bring myself to do anything, revised physics for a bit.
I don't mind the space stuff as much as everything else. I think I prefer it because i'm intressted in it. It kind of really fasinates me, not in a geeky way, but like just a curious way. I think it's funny how some people really don't believe in aliens. I'm not saying I believe in green men with funny shaped heads. But, to think there's nothing out there, it's pretty unrealistic.
I'm not sure if i believe that they've visted us, or abducted anyone, i bet now saying that, a big green light will beam down at me, and suck me up into their circular spacecraft where they will poke and prod me and think "yeesh, aliens are really mank"
It would be so surreal to think all that space is just wasted-nothing there, cold nothingness. I don't want anyone to prove life or no life on other planets, i'm quite happy with the unknown because it means I can believe in anything.
I don't mind the space stuff as much as everything else. I think I prefer it because i'm intressted in it. It kind of really fasinates me, not in a geeky way, but like just a curious way. I think it's funny how some people really don't believe in aliens. I'm not saying I believe in green men with funny shaped heads. But, to think there's nothing out there, it's pretty unrealistic.
I'm not sure if i believe that they've visted us, or abducted anyone, i bet now saying that, a big green light will beam down at me, and suck me up into their circular spacecraft where they will poke and prod me and think "yeesh, aliens are really mank"
It would be so surreal to think all that space is just wasted-nothing there, cold nothingness. I don't want anyone to prove life or no life on other planets, i'm quite happy with the unknown because it means I can believe in anything.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
I day dream far too often
I find it so easy to just drop into my own world.
I was on the train for like 1.45minutes and I think I daydreamed pretty much constantly. I love it, but it's proberbly not the most constructive thing to do with my time.
I was on the train for like 1.45minutes and I think I daydreamed pretty much constantly. I love it, but it's proberbly not the most constructive thing to do with my time.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
I kinda feel
Like a bit sad really. I watched this film, remember me, today and it's kind of really stuck with me. It makes me sad for two reasons.
Firstly; the ending. That was really like just horrible but yeah, I think it's because it's a real thing that did happen and it made me think about something like that proberbly did happen on that day. And so many peole were affected by it. And i think too show someoes life and show how sudden and unexpected this event was, was such a good idea for a film becacuse it's real? I never thought about a film that deeply, but as i said, it hit me kind of hard.
And secondly, which sounds so little in comparrison now i've written that. So i'll say it differntly. I'm not sad about this, i just would like it one day. I want to meet someone (i realise this sounds lame) but yes, someone who i just click with.
But please go and see remember me it;s so amazing.
Firstly; the ending. That was really like just horrible but yeah, I think it's because it's a real thing that did happen and it made me think about something like that proberbly did happen on that day. And so many peole were affected by it. And i think too show someoes life and show how sudden and unexpected this event was, was such a good idea for a film becacuse it's real? I never thought about a film that deeply, but as i said, it hit me kind of hard.
And secondly, which sounds so little in comparrison now i've written that. So i'll say it differntly. I'm not sad about this, i just would like it one day. I want to meet someone (i realise this sounds lame) but yes, someone who i just click with.
But please go and see remember me it;s so amazing.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
French boys
OH MY, so around about this time last year i was in norfolk with my school, where we stumbled across some very sexy french boys. And after a convosation with a very difficult language barrier, we found out everyone understood "facebook?" so yes, got all them on faceyb. So yes, haven't spoken to them in like what 7 months?
So i tthought it was acceptable to make a post about them because a sexy french lad who i met has just poped up n facebook chat (L)
Oh i love him.
French boys are the bee's knees
So i tthought it was acceptable to make a post about them because a sexy french lad who i met has just poped up n facebook chat (L)
Oh i love him.
French boys are the bee's knees
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Loving the fact that i've just been so happy for over 24 hours, this must be a record! Anyone who reads this must think i'm a moody basterd, I'm honestly not that bad, I hold most of my depressing crap for blogger and msn. So please don't judge me on this, i'm normally happy in person!
But yes, its been over 24hours and I haven't felt the need to be like "hkh fkjdfjgfj!FML" Nope, and i want to thank reading for this, I know everyone must be fed up with this reading hysteria, but just so you know, I won't shut up unill i go and then of course I won;t shut up about how awesome it was. So, avoid me if you're not up for hearing the talk. To be fair, you can't judge me, you know that the line up is sickalick! I was jumping aand squealing and being the crazy gal I really am when i found out! mmmmmmm Simon Neil, just to say, i'm so back in love with you, by the way, after that hint youd be playing at reading you shared on facebook fan page.
All thats left to say is: mon the biff!
But yes, its been over 24hours and I haven't felt the need to be like "hkh fkjdfjgfj!FML" Nope, and i want to thank reading for this, I know everyone must be fed up with this reading hysteria, but just so you know, I won't shut up unill i go and then of course I won;t shut up about how awesome it was. So, avoid me if you're not up for hearing the talk. To be fair, you can't judge me, you know that the line up is sickalick! I was jumping aand squealing and being the crazy gal I really am when i found out! mmmmmmm Simon Neil, just to say, i'm so back in love with you, by the way, after that hint youd be playing at reading you shared on facebook fan page.
All thats left to say is: mon the biff!
Friday, 26 March 2010
You know what?
I feel positive today.
This weekend will be a good one, no, i won't do anything, of course not, i; can never be bothered to do anything memorable, and i feel like these upcmmong exams are a dragon breathing fire down my stressed neck.
I've pulled myself together, and feeling like i'm on the right track with work and everything, i just want my social life to come back,i've missed it,
i really fancy an adventure, but doubt it'll happen
This weekend will be a good one, no, i won't do anything, of course not, i; can never be bothered to do anything memorable, and i feel like these upcmmong exams are a dragon breathing fire down my stressed neck.
I've pulled myself together, and feeling like i'm on the right track with work and everything, i just want my social life to come back,i've missed it,
i really fancy an adventure, but doubt it'll happen
Monday, 22 March 2010
Sunday, 21 March 2010
loving the weather
done some art
Yes, its fair to say, this weekend i have had no social lie, but that's ok. I didn't want to out. I just needed some down time, and i'm so glad I got it. I feel so much happier than i've felt in along time.
Maybe it's just a case of some serious pathetic fallicy
yes thats right, its sunny cos i'm happy, basically, i'm mother nature
done some art
Yes, its fair to say, this weekend i have had no social lie, but that's ok. I didn't want to out. I just needed some down time, and i'm so glad I got it. I feel so much happier than i've felt in along time.
Maybe it's just a case of some serious pathetic fallicy
yes thats right, its sunny cos i'm happy, basically, i'm mother nature
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
:S :@ :|
I hate that even in you're best subjects where you're getting A* or As there's always someone better than you. It makes me feel like i'm going to end up nowhere, with nothing. God, the confusion i'm feeling right now, it's driving me insane. I just wish there was a simple answer, someone to tell me what to do, where to go, but there's not, so i'll just continue to sit here with a confused expression on my face.
Monday, 15 March 2010
so i
grabbed a book from german, i get home, open the book, stare, stare, stare
Nope. Nothing goes in.
Literally like looking at a load of gobbledegook
Exams in April i am so screwed
I just don't understand
any of it
it makes no sense
when i try to revise, it makes no difference
I really don't think i'll be able to get my B
Which will ruin my "nothing-bellow-a-B" rule
Why oh why did I pick a language
I must like to punish myself
Oh god, even now i'm not revsing
i'm 100% screwed.
Dear lord, help me understand german, make it easy, make me learn, make me do well in it, please, please, please, thank youxxxxxxxxxxx
But I did get a B+/A- in my english lit mock
yayayayay good for next to nothing revision, oooh I'm loving literature.
Nope. Nothing goes in.
Literally like looking at a load of gobbledegook
Exams in April i am so screwed
I just don't understand
any of it
it makes no sense
when i try to revise, it makes no difference
I really don't think i'll be able to get my B
Which will ruin my "nothing-bellow-a-B" rule
Why oh why did I pick a language
I must like to punish myself
Oh god, even now i'm not revsing
i'm 100% screwed.
Dear lord, help me understand german, make it easy, make me learn, make me do well in it, please, please, please, thank youxxxxxxxxxxx
But I did get a B+/A- in my english lit mock
yayayayay good for next to nothing revision, oooh I'm loving literature.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
I'm just so god damn dissapointed in myself
When you have one part of your life covered, all the others are crap.
But the one i've got covered is a nessessity for this current time, so I shouldn't complain, in fact I should work to make it better, if that's all i've got, might aswell make it brilliant.
Thing's will work them self out, they'll happen when they do, no point in pushing it, but i'm just so god damn dissapointed in myself for wanting everything.
But the one i've got covered is a nessessity for this current time, so I shouldn't complain, in fact I should work to make it better, if that's all i've got, might aswell make it brilliant.
Thing's will work them self out, they'll happen when they do, no point in pushing it, but i'm just so god damn dissapointed in myself for wanting everything.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Not your day, eh?
You wake up, BAM something goes wrong.
It's something small, you laugh it off.
Then something else happens, once again, you laugh it off and reliase today will not be your day, you unklucky one.
And it carries on throughout the day, it gets worse and worse, some things bearable, others not so bearable.
When it came down to cracking time, I was not prepared.
I just needed things to go right, and when you want that to happen so bad, things won't.
Lets just say voices got loud.
I take the responsibility, I just was so happy it was done and then something prevented the end, and, I lost it, you lost it, we all lost it.
But it's cool, thats what happens somedays and you just have to take a breath, say your sorrys, and say:
"oh god, it was so not my day"
It's something small, you laugh it off.
Then something else happens, once again, you laugh it off and reliase today will not be your day, you unklucky one.
And it carries on throughout the day, it gets worse and worse, some things bearable, others not so bearable.
When it came down to cracking time, I was not prepared.
I just needed things to go right, and when you want that to happen so bad, things won't.
Lets just say voices got loud.
I take the responsibility, I just was so happy it was done and then something prevented the end, and, I lost it, you lost it, we all lost it.
But it's cool, thats what happens somedays and you just have to take a breath, say your sorrys, and say:
"oh god, it was so not my day"
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Hi blogger, you're great. Thought I was going to leave you, because I got a tumblr. This is not the case. You're great, I feel like I can write everything to you, but on tumblr, no one seems to do that, it's just re-blogging and posting pictures and one liners. I need blogger so I can get all my moods out of my system. I like how when I write down something that I am feeling, it becomes what I was feeling. It allows me to be happier, and if I feel like I want to tell you something, I can. I feel like tumblr judges me more.
So no, shan't be leaving you, you virtual diray, coz u rock.
Just want to say one thing, my sister's actually one of the best.
No doubt, she'll read this and laugh, but she is.
& if she's lucky, I may miss her a tiny bit when she gos uni.
So no, shan't be leaving you, you virtual diray, coz u rock.
Just want to say one thing, my sister's actually one of the best.
No doubt, she'll read this and laugh, but she is.
& if she's lucky, I may miss her a tiny bit when she gos uni.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
*I love frank turner, he's such an unexpected person.
I didn't expect to stumble across this little jem, but its truley great, it's a truely out there song. I think I love his music so much because you can see he writes his songs with words he is feeling right there and then. You know when he's gone through a rough patch, and you know when he's having a laugh. Although, his songs always have a positive/jokey feel to them and its just that little bit uplifting :) ahh
Well you're a prize specimin -
I shouldn't pick you up, I don't know where you've been.
You invite me back to your place,
And you feed me drinks to get me out of my face.
You never own up to what you did -
And then you tell your friends I took the piss.
So come on everybody, come on,
Don't make me regret ever writing this song -
I need every motherfucker to sing along.
I didn't expect to stumble across this little jem, but its truley great, it's a truely out there song. I think I love his music so much because you can see he writes his songs with words he is feeling right there and then. You know when he's gone through a rough patch, and you know when he's having a laugh. Although, his songs always have a positive/jokey feel to them and its just that little bit uplifting :) ahh
Well you're a prize specimin -
I shouldn't pick you up, I don't know where you've been.
You invite me back to your place,
And you feed me drinks to get me out of my face.
You never own up to what you did -
And then you tell your friends I took the piss.
So come on everybody, come on,
Don't make me regret ever writing this song -
I need every motherfucker to sing along.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Hard to explain
There's this band and I dont really like there music if I am honest, but something about their music just give me memories and just immediatly boosts my mood, just really motivates me.
They are the ultimate feel-good band. They've even got me wanting to do my biology coursework. I saw them on my newsfeed saying they were on a show, wathed the show and remebered them. Its really lame but feel almost proud? that they are finally breaking through in england.
I saw them live about a year ago and wow, yes, its the repetitive punk-rock-pop-emo-crap stuff, and yes, i'm not into that music, but them as a band are just quite amazing, and they are rather funny.
They just make me so content.
I do love you
They are the ultimate feel-good band. They've even got me wanting to do my biology coursework. I saw them on my newsfeed saying they were on a show, wathed the show and remebered them. Its really lame but feel almost proud? that they are finally breaking through in england.
I saw them live about a year ago and wow, yes, its the repetitive punk-rock-pop-emo-crap stuff, and yes, i'm not into that music, but them as a band are just quite amazing, and they are rather funny.
They just make me so content.
I do love you
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
I've never been Summer's Biggest Fan
previous years, i've never been too excited for summer, I am not all into the hot weather. However, this year, i'm actually looking forward to it, (except exams).
I can't wait for the flipflops, the hats, the dresses, the grass, the smell of sun tan cream, the bbqs, the lack of school, sitting in fields, long summer nights.
It should be excellent, I think i've had a change of heart beacause this summer so much is going to change, it'll be the last time thats we're all "together".
And ofcourse there's reading
aha, at first i was like :o the line ups shit.
But, it's all starting to brighten up, the roumers are getting better and better.
Now paramore is set to headline- which will be amazing.
Blink i'm not too keen on, but yanno, its a cool thing to see: "yeah, i've seen blink 182 at reading" It seems COOL.
and then arcade fire, never really listened to them all that much but i've heard a few and i like it, so yeah, i'm up for that.
AND then, there's biffy clyro, Oh god, they will be the best, for so long i've wanted to see them live!
so I just can't wait for summer, except the exams and hayfever...
I can't wait for the flipflops, the hats, the dresses, the grass, the smell of sun tan cream, the bbqs, the lack of school, sitting in fields, long summer nights.
It should be excellent, I think i've had a change of heart beacause this summer so much is going to change, it'll be the last time thats we're all "together".
And ofcourse there's reading
aha, at first i was like :o the line ups shit.
But, it's all starting to brighten up, the roumers are getting better and better.
Now paramore is set to headline- which will be amazing.
Blink i'm not too keen on, but yanno, its a cool thing to see: "yeah, i've seen blink 182 at reading" It seems COOL.
and then arcade fire, never really listened to them all that much but i've heard a few and i like it, so yeah, i'm up for that.
AND then, there's biffy clyro, Oh god, they will be the best, for so long i've wanted to see them live!
so I just can't wait for summer, except the exams and hayfever...
Thursday, 4 March 2010
sping is my fav

With spring pretty much on its way, just waitng for it to go up in a fw degrees, we'll be sure to go camping! It's the best night/morning ever. We went twice last year and both times it was endlessly funny. bacon sandwhiches all night lond, a big fire, tents collapsing,guitar singing, drunken firends throwing up, and thowing dehodrant cans into the fire..yeah thats not such a good point. Although, it did look really pretty afterwards ;D Anyway, i just can't wait and maybe a few of our newer friends may come along. So this is a message to the old mother nature, make it a bit warmer so we can go camping
and just to let you know spotify adverts are great!
"maybe you slipped on a badger"
"or fell through a hole in the fabric of time"
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
I'll just go ahead and spill my thoughts
You're so annoying. They way you make up your mind on who you feel like hating baised on nothing at all. You do it to so many of us. And you're just getting a bit too full of yourself. You hadn't really done much to me, but i've seen you do it to others, and now you've started doing it to me, it started off as being funny. But now you're just being a twat.
Stop being an arse.
and stop being blunt when nothing has been said.
Stop being an arse.
and stop being blunt when nothing has been said.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
This is dedicated to nikita.
Monday, 1 March 2010
It's everything isn't it?
When you're not working, you're resting/playing
When you're not playing, you're working/resting
When you're not resting, you're playing/working
It's an alright stimulus, not the best, not the worst. It does seem a little obvious at first. I felt like every idea I had, was so plainly one of them. I like to go off and fine something less obvioous. And thank you very much exam bored for giving me the booklet with a few hints. Now I have two compleatly differnt, unobvious, directions to go in. And. they are both kick ass,
I'm afraid if i tell you, I would have to kill you.
Only got 8 weeks to compleate it?
Jesus christ
Thats not enough time!
Well I guess i'll have to pull me socks up.
When you're not working, you're resting/playing
When you're not playing, you're working/resting
When you're not resting, you're playing/working
It's an alright stimulus, not the best, not the worst. It does seem a little obvious at first. I felt like every idea I had, was so plainly one of them. I like to go off and fine something less obvioous. And thank you very much exam bored for giving me the booklet with a few hints. Now I have two compleatly differnt, unobvious, directions to go in. And. they are both kick ass,
I'm afraid if i tell you, I would have to kill you.
Only got 8 weeks to compleate it?
Jesus christ
Thats not enough time!
Well I guess i'll have to pull me socks up.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
I've spent the majority of the day reading, and I plan to do more. Once I get dragged into a book, I find it difficult to jump out. The really special books I come across become all I focus on. In some cases, it becomes an obsession. It becomes all I think about and all I want to do, I latch on and I do not want to let go. These are the books I never want to finish. I hate re-reading books, so once i've finished them I proberbly won't come back to it. Which is why I don't want them to finish, once they are read, they are read. & that's it, they're done and they're placed under my bed.
I find it super intressting to see how each writer puts the words together, each style. That's what keeps it fresh, otherwise it would be repetitive rubbish, and who wants to read that?
I'm finding this book inparticular to be so refreshingly differnt, it just keeps me constantly wondering and thinking forward. I love it. However, some books just make you desire what they have, their lives. Not in a jelous way, just in a way that the possibility of it makes you happy.
Reading makes me look forward to the future.
I find it super intressting to see how each writer puts the words together, each style. That's what keeps it fresh, otherwise it would be repetitive rubbish, and who wants to read that?
I'm finding this book inparticular to be so refreshingly differnt, it just keeps me constantly wondering and thinking forward. I love it. However, some books just make you desire what they have, their lives. Not in a jelous way, just in a way that the possibility of it makes you happy.
Reading makes me look forward to the future.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
So sleepy
Thursday, 25 February 2010
So, I went to poetry live today and it has to be said, my favorite poem has been ruined!
I thought Homecomming was the coolest poem ever, the only one i've ever really liked during this 2 year course.
Today, Simon Armitage, the poet, ruined it.
The meaning has been compleatly fliped upside down, and now that I fully understand it, i'm not that keen on it. I enjoyed my interpretation of it so much more.
I admit it's much more kinder than my ideas and in fact it's a love poem, I thought it was a violent poem?! But it's a love poem, in the way that only the two who know the story behind it would realise what it actually is, which makes it rather cute.
However, the examiner was giving us tips and saying how to explore multiple theories, so I have two compleatly differnt interpretations of the poem. So if I do write about it, i'll get a better grade, but it won't be my favorite poem anymore.

this man is a really funny one.
I thought Homecomming was the coolest poem ever, the only one i've ever really liked during this 2 year course.
Today, Simon Armitage, the poet, ruined it.
The meaning has been compleatly fliped upside down, and now that I fully understand it, i'm not that keen on it. I enjoyed my interpretation of it so much more.
I admit it's much more kinder than my ideas and in fact it's a love poem, I thought it was a violent poem?! But it's a love poem, in the way that only the two who know the story behind it would realise what it actually is, which makes it rather cute.
However, the examiner was giving us tips and saying how to explore multiple theories, so I have two compleatly differnt interpretations of the poem. So if I do write about it, i'll get a better grade, but it won't be my favorite poem anymore.
this man is a really funny one.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
could this be accomplishment?
HA screw you homework, I beat you.
I don't think i've ever done all of my homework in one weekend, normally its the night before the due date.
But no! ahah I get to have the rest of my Sunday for myself. No more time spent over you.
I would love to do this every weekend, won't happen. But, atleast the first week back won't be too hard ;)
Wow, I feel so proud ;D
I don't think i've ever done all of my homework in one weekend, normally its the night before the due date.
But no! ahah I get to have the rest of my Sunday for myself. No more time spent over you.
I would love to do this every weekend, won't happen. But, atleast the first week back won't be too hard ;)
Wow, I feel so proud ;D
Friday, 19 February 2010
Oh god, Its easy to convince yourself of something you think the same over and over, and then you become your thought.
I did exactly this before a couple of years back and thanks to myself, I had a crappy time.
It's funny how one action can trigger negative thoughts.
It's easy to say that i'm being stupid, but to convince myself of what i'm saying is a compleatly differnt thing.
I don't want to repeat my actions, but that's the only thing I can see myself doing.
Nothing to occupy my mind, so the thoughts run off and escalate into something that it is so not
I did exactly this before a couple of years back and thanks to myself, I had a crappy time.
It's funny how one action can trigger negative thoughts.
It's easy to say that i'm being stupid, but to convince myself of what i'm saying is a compleatly differnt thing.
I don't want to repeat my actions, but that's the only thing I can see myself doing.
Nothing to occupy my mind, so the thoughts run off and escalate into something that it is so not
hey there lovely bones.
So I saw lovely bones today, pretty darn good. I’ve been waiting for so long to see it, it is rather scary though. Not a clue how it’s certificate is only a 12, it scared the bageebas out of me! I recommend you watch it, not so much like the book at all really, but it is a good adaptation.
I like book to film adaptations, it’s really interesting to see how someone else has imagined it and altered it. It’s hard for the film to be better than the book, and this one didn’t come close. They changed the story line too much; they didn’t really have the age progression so you had no idea of the time scale. Although in the middle they made it a lot more exciting than the book. Ha, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just say go and watch it, but take some tissues, this one’s a tearjerker.
I like book to film adaptations, it’s really interesting to see how someone else has imagined it and altered it. It’s hard for the film to be better than the book, and this one didn’t come close. They changed the story line too much; they didn’t really have the age progression so you had no idea of the time scale. Although in the middle they made it a lot more exciting than the book. Ha, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just say go and watch it, but take some tissues, this one’s a tearjerker.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Just my luck
Well, if there’s one thing I absolutely detest it is shopping. I don’t know why, just everything about it makes me angry. The worst place I know is Oxford Street. As soon as I get on to the dreaded street, the bad mood just switches on, like clockwork. Aha, so prom dress shopping was never going to be fun, was it? Everything just looked awful on me; it just hung on me like a wetsuit. To be frank, I don’t think I’ll ever find one, I don’t want to stand out, but I don’t want to be boring, I don’t one anyone to have my dress, but vintage never fits. I’ll just go to prom in jeans and a Tee.
The worst thing about shopping is if you come home with nothing. You go through the pain and there’s no reward at the end?! And that’s what happened to me today
The worst thing about shopping is if you come home with nothing. You go through the pain and there’s no reward at the end?! And that’s what happened to me today
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Monday, 15 February 2010
a typical moan most would expect.
I hate, hate, hate being a teenager.
I hate the moods.
I hate the boringness.
I hate the acne.
I hate the predudices against us.
I hate the lack of travel.
I hate the stress.
I am a typical teenager, I do what you expect of me. I have random mood swings, and my reactions are sometimes completly over the top. But I hate it, it's so mundane. You could proberbly predict my actions, although every now and then i'll throw something on the table that may shock you. And yes, you'll go on and on about how shocked you are, and yes I will be thinking in my head "you hypocrite".
I was talking about sterotypical types in a friendship group last night, and I realised how hard I'm pushing to get rid of my sterotype. But it's never going to happen until there's a substatial change within my life. But it is true people do live up to a sterotype, aware of it or not. It's just something we all do. There;s one of each of us in every other group. Not necessarily a bad thing, because there's going to be someone who we can all relate to. Which makes life slightly easier in the long run. Everyone pushes against it, which makes us more sterotypical
OH the irony
I hate the moods.
I hate the boringness.
I hate the acne.
I hate the predudices against us.
I hate the lack of travel.
I hate the stress.
I am a typical teenager, I do what you expect of me. I have random mood swings, and my reactions are sometimes completly over the top. But I hate it, it's so mundane. You could proberbly predict my actions, although every now and then i'll throw something on the table that may shock you. And yes, you'll go on and on about how shocked you are, and yes I will be thinking in my head "you hypocrite".
I was talking about sterotypical types in a friendship group last night, and I realised how hard I'm pushing to get rid of my sterotype. But it's never going to happen until there's a substatial change within my life. But it is true people do live up to a sterotype, aware of it or not. It's just something we all do. There;s one of each of us in every other group. Not necessarily a bad thing, because there's going to be someone who we can all relate to. Which makes life slightly easier in the long run. Everyone pushes against it, which makes us more sterotypical
OH the irony
Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentines say is lame when you're single. And looking from the view point of a single, it doesn't seem all that great when you're with someone. It seems a slightly awkward day, should i get them a card? Or not? What if i get them something and they get me nothing?
Well I think this applies to some but not all.
I love the people who just automatically get their "significant others" something for valentines and they don't feel the need to question wheather to or not get anything.
I think thats cute, it shows you know someone well enough that questions are not neccessary because you just know.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
1 event invitation
Well all I can say about last night is that it was very eventful
I was in shock for the most part of the night, couldn't quite believe it.
Moving on, ahah, last night I realised to the stupid extent of how much of a lightweight I am. It's rideiculous, a couple of beers and I'm singing Elton John songs and dancing around (and i use the word 'dancing' very loosly, it more like jumping around) Oh dear not too good at all. But oh hey, less damage to my liver ;)
I seem to have this feeling as soon as alchol enters my system to act like a narna. It is very bad. But alchol and strong emotions are never a good combo, it just leads to bad things.
I suppose alchol just gives you that little nudge to say things you wouldn't ever really say, and in some cases it's good but in most cases it's bad.
So last night was good, just some bad things happened but they were fuled by alcohol.
I was in shock for the most part of the night, couldn't quite believe it.
Moving on, ahah, last night I realised to the stupid extent of how much of a lightweight I am. It's rideiculous, a couple of beers and I'm singing Elton John songs and dancing around (and i use the word 'dancing' very loosly, it more like jumping around) Oh dear not too good at all. But oh hey, less damage to my liver ;)
I seem to have this feeling as soon as alchol enters my system to act like a narna. It is very bad. But alchol and strong emotions are never a good combo, it just leads to bad things.
I suppose alchol just gives you that little nudge to say things you wouldn't ever really say, and in some cases it's good but in most cases it's bad.
So last night was good, just some bad things happened but they were fuled by alcohol.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Let's Update you.
Urgh, oh god!
I was just on face-to-the-ace-book and just yanno scrolling on through recent posts, someone had uploaded some pics, look through the album and BAM. There I am looking like a gremlin/ old man.
Aint life great?
Ho HUM, party tonight, excited, going to be cold, I want to wear trampish WARM clothes, some people are dressing up, wtf, craazy ladies, don;t want to die of hypothermia, got me some beer, but I dont want to get drunk, no photos allowed, please, no cameras at all, no drunk dancing, no doubt i'll fall over, please no laughing, and then ginas staying over.
I swear if she tries to steal my side of the bed, I will steal the cover (i'll do that anyway) and push her on the floor, I hope she reads this. :) LOVE YOU GINA.
Erm, pretty much had a shitty day, but I havent had a good day all week, so what did I expect?
Glad it's the half term so no worrying about school for a week, well thats what my head of year said in assembly. So I guess I HAVE to ;)
Hmm, pretty much love the sugababes new single, DON'T JUDGE ME. Its actually proper good and rather catchy. I would be proud to call it my own, but sadly it's not.
Oh and you're scaring me.
I was just on face-to-the-ace-book and just yanno scrolling on through recent posts, someone had uploaded some pics, look through the album and BAM. There I am looking like a gremlin/ old man.
Aint life great?
Ho HUM, party tonight, excited, going to be cold, I want to wear trampish WARM clothes, some people are dressing up, wtf, craazy ladies, don;t want to die of hypothermia, got me some beer, but I dont want to get drunk, no photos allowed, please, no cameras at all, no drunk dancing, no doubt i'll fall over, please no laughing, and then ginas staying over.
I swear if she tries to steal my side of the bed, I will steal the cover (i'll do that anyway) and push her on the floor, I hope she reads this. :) LOVE YOU GINA.
Erm, pretty much had a shitty day, but I havent had a good day all week, so what did I expect?
Glad it's the half term so no worrying about school for a week, well thats what my head of year said in assembly. So I guess I HAVE to ;)
Hmm, pretty much love the sugababes new single, DON'T JUDGE ME. Its actually proper good and rather catchy. I would be proud to call it my own, but sadly it's not.
Oh and you're scaring me.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
ooooh hello exam time table!
Time table.
Time table.
Hmm, not to sure how i'm feeling about this. Negative? Positive? IDK.
I mean the obvious thing is too feel very, very, very negative about it. It signals the time where I will have zilcheo social life and the time where i'll be so stressed my face will be one big spot and the time where i'll be so scared and nervous of failing and therfore screwing up my plans for sixth form. Yes, these are all clearly very negative and very boring.
(I feel like i'm using the word 'very' a lot?)
Anyway, yes, exam time table is negative.
However, once again I've reliased i've let fear and my imagination run away together and have compleatly overestimated the amount of exams i'll be taking. By the looks of things, it's basically one - three exam a week. Exculding the week begining the 7th of june...
Thats one everyday that week ;| yikes!
Not looking forward to that week, and it's most of my important ones ;| Whereas my life exam is surrounded by NOTHING. Ridiculous. That annoys me.
So, back to what I was saying, not to bad, not too bad. And I suppose which exams a couple of minutes of revison is in order for ;)
And plus, I finish compulsery education on the 17th of June. (unless my art/german speaking date is after this, i still haven't been told) And thats it for two months, then I really start heading towards "the dream" ;)
Oh and reading! Woop, can't wait for my extended summer holiday, it wil be exceelent, and lets pray I do pretty damn excellent in my exams ;D
So then the summer cannot be intterupted with nervousness and failure ehh?
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
LEAVE. Please?
I hate you, you evil things. Where do you get the idea that I enjoy you being on my face? I rub chemicals into you every day, scrub and scrub untill i've ended up with a large patch of dry skin, but STILL you stay on my face you horrible things. I'm continnually conscious of you, and want you to dissapear. I'm pretty sure you don't hang around all my friends faces as much as you hang around mine. The worst thing is, you stick around for ages, you just don't know when to leave. There's a few of you who have seen the whole of last year with me, my life is not intressting, you'll be waiting a long time to see something exciting, so just leave now?
The amount of effort I put in to fight you off just seems to not affect you, you must be immune
Well you know what spots, DAMN YOU.
You're the extra hassle I really do not need.
The amount of effort I put in to fight you off just seems to not affect you, you must be immune
Well you know what spots, DAMN YOU.
You're the extra hassle I really do not need.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Thank you subways.
A complete random thought popped into my head the other day. "What happened to the subways?" So I looked them up on spotify and found that they haven't relased anything new since 2008. I was shocked. They really are such a good band. And what makes them even better is that they are from Welwyn Garden City. I get such a thrill whenever the name of a place I live near/ where i'm from. It's so great to think there is talent in this little, average, suburban town. It's really excellent, I even know people who knew/know them. So if you think about it, i'm kind of in like a 7conections sort of way connected to them. I get a kick out of that.
I would be dissapointed if they were crap beacause its lke saying our town is talentless, but NO. I enjoy their music, and i've been listening to them a lot today and I think I proberbly will for a while. Its kind of like a posh tone to rock, which pushes it above the crappy american repetitive music we all love.
Ahha, on spotify there lastest album has a few bonus accostic tracks, it sounds even better with it all stripped back, my favorite is Strawberry blond - have a listeeeen: http://open.spotify.com/track/5euVtHMXyy7BTuHhVOY2Yl
Jeez man. Right this is a warning, this blog is going to be such a moan, i'm sorry.
I'm so fed up with teachers. I swear they are actually scared of some of the students. I hate how some people get their way just because they have a big mouth on them. The only reason, they get their way is because the teacher wants to avoid the hassle if they do the right thing. Giving them their way because they know we won't make as much fuss. It stupid, so stupid. I really don't know how people get away with doing that. It's like when a person who continually plays up, and is good for one lesson and then the teachers praise them so much its like, right? What the hell?
Fustrates me to no end.
Its not even like "cool bad" its like "shut-up-you-annoy-everyone bad" I wish people came with volume control. I don't want to hear you screaching crap at people. So do us all a favour and learn how to be nice and get some manners. yeah?
I'm so fed up with teachers. I swear they are actually scared of some of the students. I hate how some people get their way just because they have a big mouth on them. The only reason, they get their way is because the teacher wants to avoid the hassle if they do the right thing. Giving them their way because they know we won't make as much fuss. It stupid, so stupid. I really don't know how people get away with doing that. It's like when a person who continually plays up, and is good for one lesson and then the teachers praise them so much its like, right? What the hell?
Fustrates me to no end.
Its not even like "cool bad" its like "shut-up-you-annoy-everyone bad" I wish people came with volume control. I don't want to hear you screaching crap at people. So do us all a favour and learn how to be nice and get some manners. yeah?
Sunday, 7 February 2010
oh noooooooooooo, classic mistake made once again by me.
"nahh i wont save it, i wont need to print it again"
i have to retype 2 pages of god damn coursework.
oh no
I like to make life difficult for myself...
oh noooooooooooo, classic mistake made once again by me.
"nahh i wont save it, i wont need to print it again"
i have to retype 2 pages of god damn coursework.
oh no
I like to make life difficult for myself...
I want to jump from place to place, from continent to continent, I get bored easily.
I want to find a new place, this town is boring me.
It's the same old, same old routine.
And it's getting old.
I want to chnage places but see the same faces, familiar is nice, but throw in a bit of change and it;s an excellent mixture.
Repition gets old and ruins what was a good thing, just like re-doing something over and over.
Like this essay, i've redone it too many times, that this time I feel as though it can't get any better, everything i do, it stays the same even when i've changed it all. This essay is getting too familiar for my liking.
This time, i'll work so hard on it, that it won't get sent back and asked to be changed again.
This time, it'll work.
I'll force myself if i have too.
But I will not see this essay again.
Ta daaaaa
I want to find a new place, this town is boring me.
It's the same old, same old routine.
And it's getting old.
I want to chnage places but see the same faces, familiar is nice, but throw in a bit of change and it;s an excellent mixture.
Repition gets old and ruins what was a good thing, just like re-doing something over and over.
Like this essay, i've redone it too many times, that this time I feel as though it can't get any better, everything i do, it stays the same even when i've changed it all. This essay is getting too familiar for my liking.
This time, i'll work so hard on it, that it won't get sent back and asked to be changed again.
This time, it'll work.
I'll force myself if i have too.
But I will not see this essay again.
Ta daaaaa
Friday, 5 February 2010
I had this art thing today at school, and I don't know it just made really like aware and exciting about everything. They we're saying how everything can be incoperated into art and I started to really think about that. There was this one thing one of the guys said "If you say something is a work of art, it is" It got me thinking.
There isn't a definition of your opinion. People think differently about things, so nothing is ever bad, someone likes it somewhere, fair enough less people may like osmething but there will be someone who likes it. Even if the only person is you.
Like when someon says "oh you've got really bad taste in music" and i admit, i've said that. But thats not right, it's not a 'bad taste' it's just a different opinion.
I think thats why i'm getting so into art, because i like how influential it actually is and how it can change someones view about something. Right i know how lame and deep this is seeming but i just wanted to share what i realised today.
I know now, that if i have a true pasion for something, i should follow it, even if it means that I'm not going down the commercial route and nessecarily the best finacial option, but if it's something I enjoy, i'll get something out of it, even if i don't know what I am going to get out of it just yet.
But to conclude, I don't know how my life and how the choices i've taken will affect my life, but i want it to be something worth doing, something with a meaning and something i bealieve in.
Right I promise i won't do another "deep and meaningful" blog in a very long time, I realise i'm not the type and also, i'm not so good at it :)
Thursday, 4 February 2010
I can officially say, things suck right now.
Today was crappy especially the afternoon as always :|
Oh dear why am I such a moody arse?
I'm just feeling so 'blah' right now and I really cannot be bothered for anything.
Everything just seems to be going wrong,
my art is going so crap
chemisty is too much of a struggle
english bores me
home bores me
and theres a certain someone who is continually doing my head in.
yeah, things are great right now.
Today was crappy especially the afternoon as always :|
Oh dear why am I such a moody arse?
I'm just feeling so 'blah' right now and I really cannot be bothered for anything.
Everything just seems to be going wrong,
my art is going so crap
chemisty is too much of a struggle
english bores me
home bores me
and theres a certain someone who is continually doing my head in.
yeah, things are great right now.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
3 months
this can't be right?!
Jeeez man, 3 months untill my gcse's start what the actual hell!
This upests me a lot, I thought I had tonnnes of time left, apparently not.
I don't even know when to start revsing? Oh dear, i'm too keen.
But atleast its what? 5 months untill I get to do the subjects I actually want to do, and with the summer brings reading!
AHH dear super excited!
And, the line up is realsed pretty soon!
It'd be soo good if it was an brilliant line up, i'm talking:
Biffy Clyro
Brand new
Foo fighters
You me at six
ahh any of them will do me :)
Super excited
but then even if it's not a good line up, it's still going to be blooddy amazing!
so three months is a short time but then it's only a few more after that and then things really will start getting hard, but so much more exciting and intressting :)
Jeeez man, 3 months untill my gcse's start what the actual hell!
This upests me a lot, I thought I had tonnnes of time left, apparently not.
I don't even know when to start revsing? Oh dear, i'm too keen.
But atleast its what? 5 months untill I get to do the subjects I actually want to do, and with the summer brings reading!
AHH dear super excited!
And, the line up is realsed pretty soon!
It'd be soo good if it was an brilliant line up, i'm talking:
Biffy Clyro
Brand new
Foo fighters
You me at six
ahh any of them will do me :)
Super excited
but then even if it's not a good line up, it's still going to be blooddy amazing!
so three months is a short time but then it's only a few more after that and then things really will start getting hard, but so much more exciting and intressting :)
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
whata rubbish day?
meeeerh, it sucked.
so tired, so bored, so cba
eurghh can;t wait until today is over
tomorrow has to beat today.
meeeerh, it sucked.
so tired, so bored, so cba
eurghh can;t wait until today is over
tomorrow has to beat today.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Laura Marling
I'm just loving her music so much right now. I go through phases of types of music I listen to, I get bored easily. But it's kinda good like that, cause then I get to listen to all sorts of music and it's always good to know whats out there. :)
At the moment, acoustic mellow stuff is really my thing and Laura Marling is just that, its like piano/guitar/voice/beat with amazing lyrics. Ahh dear, give her a listen?
"He walked down a busy streetStaring solely at his feetClutching pictures of past lovers at his sideStood at the table where she satAnd removed his hatIn respect of her presencePresents her with the pictures and saysThese are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met you.These are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met youOpened up his little heartUnlocked the lock that kept it darkAnd read a written warningSaying Im still mourningOver ghostsOver ghostsOver ghostsOver ghosts that broke my heart before I met you"
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Things are wooshing past right now, and I only seem to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Huge chunks have just seemed to flash by. Sometimes I feel as though I really am wasting my time, that if i'm doing something that isn't important or substantial, there is no point in doing it, so I should stop doing it, but I don't, I carry on. I want to do things that have a point, I don't want to waste time with nonsense. Everything's nonsense, there is nothing to do. Restictions. I'm at an age where i'm too old to go to activty camps or whatever, but i'm not old enough to go to clubs, travel on my own. SO LAME.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
I lauged so hard at this.
My dad wanted me to draw him, for his birthday and it turned out looking like one of the brothers from oasis/a star treker :')
It did amuse me, my dad didn't take it as much of a compliment... ahah
Oh, and ignore the hair and the lips.
He really doesn't have a mohecan...
Thursday, 28 January 2010
school is really weighing me
ahh dear, i've got so much to to and I feel as though there is no time left untill the main bulk of exams:\
I swear i'm behind in every lesson, i'm finding it so hard too keep on top of things : The weekends are just not long enough to fit everything that must be done into them, I just need an extra day?
I'm in such a depressive mood right now, I don;t know how i got into it, screw that other post i did about frowning, i'm frowning so hard right now, using double the muscle, wow that rhymed. But i don't even care
such a horrid mood, plue i have babysitting and maths homework later. And to finish of my moan: we have this year 11 parents evening today and my mum was too ill to go, so basically stood up all of my teachers and i'm the one who has to deal with them at school. Don't get me wrong, i'm not annoyed at my mum at all, she's ill, it happens, not her fault. I'm just annoyed that I'm the one who gets moaned at, i blame teachers and illnesses. I wish they would both just lay off, and take a break and let us have a break. That would be nice.
Nice isn't the best word, but right now, nice would be so great :
ahh dear, i've got so much to to and I feel as though there is no time left untill the main bulk of exams:\
I swear i'm behind in every lesson, i'm finding it so hard too keep on top of things : The weekends are just not long enough to fit everything that must be done into them, I just need an extra day?
I'm in such a depressive mood right now, I don;t know how i got into it, screw that other post i did about frowning, i'm frowning so hard right now, using double the muscle, wow that rhymed. But i don't even care
such a horrid mood, plue i have babysitting and maths homework later. And to finish of my moan: we have this year 11 parents evening today and my mum was too ill to go, so basically stood up all of my teachers and i'm the one who has to deal with them at school. Don't get me wrong, i'm not annoyed at my mum at all, she's ill, it happens, not her fault. I'm just annoyed that I'm the one who gets moaned at, i blame teachers and illnesses. I wish they would both just lay off, and take a break and let us have a break. That would be nice.
Nice isn't the best word, but right now, nice would be so great :
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
OH john mayer
you make my days, but today you ruined it.
I was so excited to see that you had added a new tour date, and i was like yea yea gonna goo wooo!!
BUT, then i realesed 2 days later i had a chemistry exam. Why would you do a gig when all the exams are starting?! This means I will not be allowed.
I wanted to see you so bad, so, john mayer, i ask you, or god, or anyone, for you to do another show in london or near abouts, at a time when i can actually go. And soon preferably, because i can't wait much longer.
So, if you do, I'll be so happy, and it's good to make people happy...
ahaha, may post this on your twitter?
then i'll know you actually read this, although you're proberbly getting so many messages from fans, why would you read mine?
oh dear.
i want to see john mayer so bad.
i love him
and his music.
♥ :'(
you make my days, but today you ruined it.
I was so excited to see that you had added a new tour date, and i was like yea yea gonna goo wooo!!
BUT, then i realesed 2 days later i had a chemistry exam. Why would you do a gig when all the exams are starting?! This means I will not be allowed.
I wanted to see you so bad, so, john mayer, i ask you, or god, or anyone, for you to do another show in london or near abouts, at a time when i can actually go. And soon preferably, because i can't wait much longer.
So, if you do, I'll be so happy, and it's good to make people happy...
ahaha, may post this on your twitter?
then i'll know you actually read this, although you're proberbly getting so many messages from fans, why would you read mine?
oh dear.
i want to see john mayer so bad.
i love him
and his music.
♥ :'(
Monday, 25 January 2010
Hello, had a biology exam today, went allright, I think...
I feel more like I need to work hard in biology as its something I want to do in 6th form, so I worked me arse off for that exam, jesus, it was hard work. But hopefully it was worth it :)
Chemisty exam in 2 days-not so confident AT ALL.
Ahh dear, 2 days worth of revising for that one : not enough..
ohh things are good in school at the moment, I even got a postacard home from maths :)
i'm in a good mood :)
betttter get revising
Sunday, 24 January 2010
its cheeper to smile
you know what i just found out?
It takes half as many muscles to smile that it does to frown.
I'm going to think about this next time i feel a frown comming on :)
It takes half as many muscles to smile that it does to frown.
I'm going to think about this next time i feel a frown comming on :)
Saturday, 23 January 2010
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♥
today has consisted of a lot of revision, i better do good in my exams
i woke up at bloddy 8 o'clock to revise- so keen.
but then again i did go to bed at 10.30 last night, i was exauhusted after all my craying at seven pounds-it's so good!
party tonight-should be good :)
then revsion again tomorrow?
thought i'd just let you know...
Friday, 22 January 2010
I'm scared, I'm scared of failing.
I hate the fact I have exams next week, I'm not prepared for it at all, last time I felt much more confident that this? I'm sure.
Why is 4,5,6 all combined? It makes my life hell.
damn you. I should revise but its a friday, i'll revise later, leave it untill tomorrow, i'll get round to it.
This is why i'm going to fail.
Also, I have a problem, you see I gave up eating cheese and milk, to gain good skin, and here's my problemo, I have pizza for dinner, i've been doing so well, seeing as cheese and milk was a big part of my diet and it was so hard to give it up. I think if I eat the chease on the pizza, it'll be harder to not eat it again. BAD TIMES. ohh me and my cheese dihlema ;')
On a more positive note, i'm excited for drama, we started our final peice and its something I like that was certainly unexpected ;o
I'm so interested in the character i'm playing, I've remebred why I used to love drama so much.
So I came straight home and began my research for my character :) i'm super excited, the ideas our group came with are so cool,
it's going to be good...
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
so yannoo what
this is a pointless thing to bog about but it so deserves a mention, i have 9 follows, fair enough one of them is me, BUT STILL. ahah
I should've proberbly done a blog when I got to 10 followers but I prefer the number 9. ;)
I love the fact that it's called "follower" it just makes it seem so cool, like people worship you, I know this isnt the case but yanoo it sounds like it. Ha, jesus had followers, bands have followers and SO DO I ;D
To google a follower is; a person who accepts the leadership of another
To the online dictionary a follower is; an enthusiast or supporter
To urban dictitionary a follower is; Someone who has the inability to think for themself and does everything the "leader" of the group says. An empty shell of a person with no soul.
ahahahha follow ME.
this is a pointless thing to bog about but it so deserves a mention, i have 9 follows, fair enough one of them is me, BUT STILL. ahah
I should've proberbly done a blog when I got to 10 followers but I prefer the number 9. ;)
I love the fact that it's called "follower" it just makes it seem so cool, like people worship you, I know this isnt the case but yanoo it sounds like it. Ha, jesus had followers, bands have followers and SO DO I ;D
To google a follower is; a person who accepts the leadership of another
To the online dictionary a follower is; an enthusiast or supporter
To urban dictitionary a follower is; Someone who has the inability to think for themself and does everything the "leader" of the group says. An empty shell of a person with no soul.
ahahahha follow ME.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Lovely bones.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Lets partaay
Welllll, went to me pal Taylor's birthday party last night. Pretty good times.
I love being a lightweight, no joke 2 beers and i was pretty wasted. Whoever says being a lightweight is a bad thing is SO wrong! Think how much money we save ;)
gotttta love it!
Ahah, so start of the night- crazy and couldn't stop dancing
then me and phill ended up dancing with jacobs brother- he is such a legend and seriously has some good dancemoves. Althogh, nothing can beat jacobs "robot". Aha so funny.
Then i was lucky enough to catch craig dancing on video- woah. That was certainly something out of this world aha ( this was just before he wished me happy birthday, even though it wasnt my birthday )
But, unfourtunatly, I got myslef into a mood. Deffo because I began getting sober :( aha i'm so lame, that was so unlike me.
SO i just ate for a while and took mug shots of people, which is always fun.
Then i didnt have a chance to drink my last bottle of beer, and woke up with it beside my bed :')
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Friday, 15 January 2010
Today has certainly been a mixture of emotion.
Drama was lame, as i'm faling i have an extra lesson after school on thursday to boost my grade, WTF?! I hate drama. Next week is going to be the worst, wednesday: rehersal + performance. Thursday: extra lesson. Friday: DOUBLE DRAMA. oh deary me. So this news clearly put me in a crappy arse mood ; and i continued to be in my foul mood throughout english.
Next emotion : embarressment. enough said, I hate that I blush so easily.
Maths. Where we were to recieve our module 3 gcse results. I GOT AN A!
This put me in SUCH a good mood! i was almost crying, I was so proud of myself :') I was only expecting a B maximum, but turned out getting better! SO great!
It really made me think that if I actually put effort in, you get results. I guess it's true what they say "you reep what you sew" from now on, i'm going to put so much effort in.
However, continuing on in my jouney of moods, i was super excited to tell my mother the excellent news- she was happy for about 5mins but then started to tell me about chores :/
I hate it when I get dragged out of my good mood. The topic began at chores and just got worse and worse, wasn't best happy.
I felt as though I wasn't even alowed to be happy for more than a couple of seconds. And this upset me.
Next emotion: sadness. I got in a stress. Que the loud music. Bad times. I decided to stop being so selfish and pathetic and thought i'd go share the news with my sister and her boyf. ( her boyfriend was the one who tutored me, and got me myy A ) So, they didn't seem all that excited either.
But the main thing was, that i was proud of myself, right?
So i dragged my mood back up, but to be frank, I never got to the level that I was whilst I was walking home WHICH SUCKS because I love being that happy. I love happiness.
hmmmmm, what was my next mood - proberbly quite a mellow one, i went to my friend taylors house, it's her birthday you see so we went round and kept her company, which was good :)
Although something got broke, which made things a little awkward but it was finnnnnnne.
THEN I got an indian, so yannoo of course i'd be happy, I love my food. I have a feeling obesity will be a problem when i'm older, ahah thats going to fun ;)
what a rainbowww ehhh?
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Really I'd just like to write a post about how great my sister is. I have no clue where i would be without her, most likely married to a tree i guess ha!
I was a strange child, back in the day i thought it was OK to marry objects oh how wrong i was.
Shes just rather cool really and it may sound like shes forcing me to write this but really i just wanted to give her a shout out and say 'Emma thanks for just being you.'
I was a strange child, back in the day i thought it was OK to marry objects oh how wrong i was.
Shes just rather cool really and it may sound like shes forcing me to write this but really i just wanted to give her a shout out and say 'Emma thanks for just being you.'
A positive outlook.
things seem to be looking good, well at this moment in time it does. Hey, i'm a teenage I change my mind a lot. Ha, schools alright, you kind of get into the swing of it and then you don't really mind it that much. Some lessons I even enjoy ;o! I'm going to try to be more positive about drama this year, i';ve avoided it for about 6/7 weeks now, which is bad but not my fault. I;m hoping that if I'm more open to it, i'll improve my grade. Drama just scares me a bit. The idea of doing it was to build up my confidence, however in drama lessons i have zilcho confidence and urge time to hurry the hell up. BUT, things will change, I promise.
I did this in geography last term, I was doing bad, like really bad, but i just convinced myself i liked it, and now i'm predicted an A, so i'm hoping it'll work for drama.
I suppose you can convice yourself to think about something diffferntly and you can actually change how you feel about it.
I don't know whether this is good or bad?
I suppose, in some cases, yes it obbviously is good, like in school and if someones annoying you? But like if you do it with other things you start to ignore how you really feel and things could get complicated in the long term.
So, the plan is to encorage myself to do better in school subjects...but in other areas to actually go with my gut feeling.
I swear the voice in my head is not clear enough sometimes.
I can't believe revision has put me in a good mood! ;o
things seem to be looking good, well at this moment in time it does. Hey, i'm a teenage I change my mind a lot. Ha, schools alright, you kind of get into the swing of it and then you don't really mind it that much. Some lessons I even enjoy ;o! I'm going to try to be more positive about drama this year, i';ve avoided it for about 6/7 weeks now, which is bad but not my fault. I;m hoping that if I'm more open to it, i'll improve my grade. Drama just scares me a bit. The idea of doing it was to build up my confidence, however in drama lessons i have zilcho confidence and urge time to hurry the hell up. BUT, things will change, I promise.
I did this in geography last term, I was doing bad, like really bad, but i just convinced myself i liked it, and now i'm predicted an A, so i'm hoping it'll work for drama.
I suppose you can convice yourself to think about something diffferntly and you can actually change how you feel about it.
I don't know whether this is good or bad?
I suppose, in some cases, yes it obbviously is good, like in school and if someones annoying you? But like if you do it with other things you start to ignore how you really feel and things could get complicated in the long term.
So, the plan is to encorage myself to do better in school subjects...but in other areas to actually go with my gut feeling.
I swear the voice in my head is not clear enough sometimes.
I can't believe revision has put me in a good mood! ;o
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Half Day

Well, i love this weather so much.
Turn up to school, miss chemisty for an hour of samlearning, then about half way through maths, the little student receptionists turn up carring possibley the best news ever. In english we were informed of this message and finalllly got to go home early!
Whoever says they do not like the snow, is evil.
In the snow it's cool to look a mess and wear geeky clothing, its cool to not bother with any work, it's just cool.
I know i should be hitting the revision books but, lets be realistic for a sec,
I. Cannot. Be. Bothered.
Simple really, shame physics isn't.
Ahh dear revsion can wait, right now i have things to do ;)
catch ya' later
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Monday, 11 January 2010
hold me down.
You me at six?
oh yes.
oh yes.
Hold me down. Pretty damn good if you ask me. However it is slightly samey, but that's kind of what makes it good, in a really dodgy way? Ha. It repeats what you love, basically. At first listen it seems excelent, but with the sameyness effect I think most songs will get old quick. Which upsets me, but it's practically fate.
I was considering going to one of their gigs, googled their tour, found a date, clicked on "buy tickets" and saw that it was only seated tickets left. what the hell!
Who pays £17 odd to sit down?
anzzz says:
seats are for children and the elderly.
anzzz says:
seats are for children and the elderly.
and that is the answer to that.
It's not a party unless you're fighting you;re way forward being shuved from every direction and.. wake up in the morning with 5475716757x bruises and.. with your back feeling as though you've been kicked 52435365 x
The consequence has got to be the best.
And liquid confidence has got to be the worst.
It just shows that everyone is a fan of classic Hazza P, as this band has stolen a name of a potion from it,
liquid confidence...you mean liquid luck?
youmeatsix, I sussed you out, ;)
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Ha school is cancelled yet again, although I am starting to feel myself getting dumber by the minute. So today i decided to do a little bit of revion.
so much fun
I'm really starting to feel all the stress of exams and i do not like it, one bit, not at all, no thank you. I just want to do really well, but revision is so go damn boring! I just can't keep on at it for it to make any differnt. Even now, i'm currently halfway through a samlearning revion activity but i thought i deserved a break and came on to blogger. Which is good, but you don't get a gcse in blogger now, do you? I should propose that idea, blogger gcse, yes please! You wouldn't even need to revise, and revision is the doom of my existance. Ha.
I HATE REVSION. I'd rather be out in the snow!
so much fun
I'm really starting to feel all the stress of exams and i do not like it, one bit, not at all, no thank you. I just want to do really well, but revision is so go damn boring! I just can't keep on at it for it to make any differnt. Even now, i'm currently halfway through a samlearning revion activity but i thought i deserved a break and came on to blogger. Which is good, but you don't get a gcse in blogger now, do you? I should propose that idea, blogger gcse, yes please! You wouldn't even need to revise, and revision is the doom of my existance. Ha.
I HATE REVSION. I'd rather be out in the snow!
Thursday, 7 January 2010
snow day 2
yesterday was so great.
I walked in the woods
I made a snowman in town
I had a snowball fight in town (got beaten)
Another snowball fight (got beaten, again)
Went to Bobby's shed and watched a film
Walked in the woods
Night sledging.
was the best day ever.
and i'm about to have another great day today.
yay for the snow
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
AHAHA you do not understand how much i love the snow.I like how it just makes everything stop in its tracks and people can actually have time to take in what surrounds us. When it snows, there's even beauty in the motorway, and i like that.
BUT if it does snow lots and lots and lots and lots and we have the day off, i'll most likey be inside doing some art, but thats ok.
Monday, 4 January 2010
So, i'm awake. I woke up this morning and outside there was a frosty coating ontop of everything, yet the sun was rather powerful. There's something about the noise when you tread on frozen grass, mud and leaves that almost gives me a thrill. I love it. The little 'crunch' as you tread over what is usually wet and soggy.
To update you on the bordom of last night, I ended up watching Awake. This wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but it was all i had. I really really really really enjoyed this film, i liked the way it was all set around one operation and was genuinly shocked when i found out the "big twist", please watch it.
I went to sleep early to wake up early, so then I could do me coursework. Yay. I had started to make progress but then I thought i'd come on blogger and blog a bit about my progress, slightly ironic? Now that i'm on here, no progress is being made on my biology coursework. Now, if you happen to be reading this and you are a bioligist and you think "well hey, i'll write your coursework for you!" then please tell me.
Only 2 pages left to write now.
Better get on with it..
To update you on the bordom of last night, I ended up watching Awake. This wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but it was all i had. I really really really really enjoyed this film, i liked the way it was all set around one operation and was genuinly shocked when i found out the "big twist", please watch it.
I went to sleep early to wake up early, so then I could do me coursework. Yay. I had started to make progress but then I thought i'd come on blogger and blog a bit about my progress, slightly ironic? Now that i'm on here, no progress is being made on my biology coursework. Now, if you happen to be reading this and you are a bioligist and you think "well hey, i'll write your coursework for you!" then please tell me.
Only 2 pages left to write now.
Better get on with it..
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Bored out of my brain
Bordom is dredful.
Bordom is horrid.
Bordom is bloody boring.
Sitting here with bordom as my accomplice, I think just about anything could improve my evening. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
I can hear two tvs, gavin and stacy on one, and just amumur comming from the other and the snoring of my dog, wag. There's the humming of the computer which regular rhythm is putting me to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep?
ooh maybe sleep is the best and funnest thing for me to do tonight, although that wouldn't be very intressting for my virtual diary. I want to be able to say, well i'm going to call up some secret and sneek outside my window and go on an adventure that i wouldn't forget.
Sadly this is not the case, i have no secret to call up.
But do you know what, i got rid of my chapped lips today with a toothbrush and hotwater.
so if you have chapped lips and you're extemaly bored why don't you try it, ay?
Oh and if there is an award for the most boringest post ever I WIN.
Bordom is horrid.
Bordom is bloody boring.
Sitting here with bordom as my accomplice, I think just about anything could improve my evening. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
I can hear two tvs, gavin and stacy on one, and just amumur comming from the other and the snoring of my dog, wag. There's the humming of the computer which regular rhythm is putting me to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep?
ooh maybe sleep is the best and funnest thing for me to do tonight, although that wouldn't be very intressting for my virtual diary. I want to be able to say, well i'm going to call up some secret and sneek outside my window and go on an adventure that i wouldn't forget.
Sadly this is not the case, i have no secret to call up.
But do you know what, i got rid of my chapped lips today with a toothbrush and hotwater.
so if you have chapped lips and you're extemaly bored why don't you try it, ay?
Oh and if there is an award for the most boringest post ever I WIN.
illness and revison doesn't pair up too nicley, does it?
Hello, hello, hello.
So after recovering last night, from what I thought was the most pain i've ever been in, I feel triumphant. HA. But i'm still feeling ill and have been since chistmas eve, yeah i know what your thinking "sucks to be you" and the reply would be a simple "yes."
OH dear.
After what seems a very quick chirstmas holiday I'm left with a lot of coursework. AQll holiday i've felt it folllowing me around, wanting me to get some out of the way. However, i contiuned to run and tried to hide from it in town, friends houses, going out for lunch and such. And now what? Well i'm left with 2 weeks worth of school work to do in 2 days, whilst i'm ill.
boo hoo:'(
i better get a start on it, see i'm still trying to avoid it as though its the plauge or something...
So after recovering last night, from what I thought was the most pain i've ever been in, I feel triumphant. HA. But i'm still feeling ill and have been since chistmas eve, yeah i know what your thinking "sucks to be you" and the reply would be a simple "yes."
OH dear.
After what seems a very quick chirstmas holiday I'm left with a lot of coursework. AQll holiday i've felt it folllowing me around, wanting me to get some out of the way. However, i contiuned to run and tried to hide from it in town, friends houses, going out for lunch and such. And now what? Well i'm left with 2 weeks worth of school work to do in 2 days, whilst i'm ill.
boo hoo:'(
i better get a start on it, see i'm still trying to avoid it as though its the plauge or something...
Saturday, 2 January 2010
So today is my sisters 18th. This seems kind of old and I don't understand how its gotten here so fast. It seems quite parculiar. I have a theory that about a year ago the way time works has started to just happen quicker, and the clocks are in on it too ;)
People seem to get older quicker and this scares me as I am getting older too. Soon enough i'll be all wrinkly and have grandchilden and constantly think to myself, "boy doesn't time just fly by?".
Haha, back to my sisters 18th, i hope she has a gooden and that just because she's 18 that doesn't stop her from having funny times with her liittle sis. ;D
Friday, 1 January 2010
I listen to music.
Oh air traffic. Music changes moods, either makes you feel good or bad.
Currently i'm listning to air traffic and i hope after you have read this you will be too. A personal favorite is No more running away it makes me feel happy and calm.
go on, have a listen...
Oh air traffic. Music changes moods, either makes you feel good or bad.
Currently i'm listning to air traffic and i hope after you have read this you will be too. A personal favorite is No more running away it makes me feel happy and calm.
go on, have a listen...
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