A complete random thought popped into my head the other day. "What happened to the subways?" So I looked them up on spotify and found that they haven't relased anything new since 2008. I was shocked. They really are such a good band. And what makes them even better is that they are from Welwyn Garden City. I get such a thrill whenever the name of a place I live near/ where i'm from. It's so great to think there is talent in this little, average, suburban town. It's really excellent, I even know people who knew/know them. So if you think about it, i'm kind of in like a 7conections sort of way connected to them. I get a kick out of that.
I would be dissapointed if they were crap beacause its lke saying our town is talentless, but NO. I enjoy their music, and i've been listening to them a lot today and I think I proberbly will for a while. Its kind of like a posh tone to rock, which pushes it above the crappy american repetitive music we all love.
Ahha, on spotify there lastest album has a few bonus accostic tracks, it sounds even better with it all stripped back, my favorite is Strawberry blond - have a listeeeen: http://open.spotify.com/track/5euVtHMXyy7BTuHhVOY2Yl
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