I had this art thing today at school, and I don't know it just made really like aware and exciting about everything. They we're saying how everything can be incoperated into art and I started to really think about that. There was this one thing one of the guys said "If you say something is a work of art, it is" It got me thinking.
There isn't a definition of your opinion. People think differently about things, so nothing is ever bad, someone likes it somewhere, fair enough less people may like osmething but there will be someone who likes it. Even if the only person is you.
Like when someon says "oh you've got really bad taste in music" and i admit, i've said that. But thats not right, it's not a 'bad taste' it's just a different opinion.
I think thats why i'm getting so into art, because i like how influential it actually is and how it can change someones view about something. Right i know how lame and deep this is seeming but i just wanted to share what i realised today.
I know now, that if i have a true pasion for something, i should follow it, even if it means that I'm not going down the commercial route and nessecarily the best finacial option, but if it's something I enjoy, i'll get something out of it, even if i don't know what I am going to get out of it just yet.
But to conclude, I don't know how my life and how the choices i've taken will affect my life, but i want it to be something worth doing, something with a meaning and something i bealieve in.
Right I promise i won't do another "deep and meaningful" blog in a very long time, I realise i'm not the type and also, i'm not so good at it :)
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