I've spent the majority of the day reading, and I plan to do more. Once I get dragged into a book, I find it difficult to jump out. The really special books I come across become all I focus on. In some cases, it becomes an obsession. It becomes all I think about and all I want to do, I latch on and I do not want to let go. These are the books I never want to finish. I hate re-reading books, so once i've finished them I proberbly won't come back to it. Which is why I don't want them to finish, once they are read, they are read. & that's it, they're done and they're placed under my bed.
I find it super intressting to see how each writer puts the words together, each style. That's what keeps it fresh, otherwise it would be repetitive rubbish, and who wants to read that?
I'm finding this book inparticular to be so refreshingly differnt, it just keeps me constantly wondering and thinking forward. I love it. However, some books just make you desire what they have, their lives. Not in a jelous way, just in a way that the possibility of it makes you happy.
Reading makes me look forward to the future.

Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
So sleepy
Thursday, 25 February 2010
So, I went to poetry live today and it has to be said, my favorite poem has been ruined!
I thought Homecomming was the coolest poem ever, the only one i've ever really liked during this 2 year course.
Today, Simon Armitage, the poet, ruined it.
The meaning has been compleatly fliped upside down, and now that I fully understand it, i'm not that keen on it. I enjoyed my interpretation of it so much more.
I admit it's much more kinder than my ideas and in fact it's a love poem, I thought it was a violent poem?! But it's a love poem, in the way that only the two who know the story behind it would realise what it actually is, which makes it rather cute.
However, the examiner was giving us tips and saying how to explore multiple theories, so I have two compleatly differnt interpretations of the poem. So if I do write about it, i'll get a better grade, but it won't be my favorite poem anymore.

this man is a really funny one.
I thought Homecomming was the coolest poem ever, the only one i've ever really liked during this 2 year course.
Today, Simon Armitage, the poet, ruined it.
The meaning has been compleatly fliped upside down, and now that I fully understand it, i'm not that keen on it. I enjoyed my interpretation of it so much more.
I admit it's much more kinder than my ideas and in fact it's a love poem, I thought it was a violent poem?! But it's a love poem, in the way that only the two who know the story behind it would realise what it actually is, which makes it rather cute.
However, the examiner was giving us tips and saying how to explore multiple theories, so I have two compleatly differnt interpretations of the poem. So if I do write about it, i'll get a better grade, but it won't be my favorite poem anymore.
this man is a really funny one.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
could this be accomplishment?
HA screw you homework, I beat you.
I don't think i've ever done all of my homework in one weekend, normally its the night before the due date.
But no! ahah I get to have the rest of my Sunday for myself. No more time spent over you.
I would love to do this every weekend, won't happen. But, atleast the first week back won't be too hard ;)
Wow, I feel so proud ;D
I don't think i've ever done all of my homework in one weekend, normally its the night before the due date.
But no! ahah I get to have the rest of my Sunday for myself. No more time spent over you.
I would love to do this every weekend, won't happen. But, atleast the first week back won't be too hard ;)
Wow, I feel so proud ;D
Friday, 19 February 2010
Oh god, Its easy to convince yourself of something you think the same over and over, and then you become your thought.
I did exactly this before a couple of years back and thanks to myself, I had a crappy time.
It's funny how one action can trigger negative thoughts.
It's easy to say that i'm being stupid, but to convince myself of what i'm saying is a compleatly differnt thing.
I don't want to repeat my actions, but that's the only thing I can see myself doing.
Nothing to occupy my mind, so the thoughts run off and escalate into something that it is so not
I did exactly this before a couple of years back and thanks to myself, I had a crappy time.
It's funny how one action can trigger negative thoughts.
It's easy to say that i'm being stupid, but to convince myself of what i'm saying is a compleatly differnt thing.
I don't want to repeat my actions, but that's the only thing I can see myself doing.
Nothing to occupy my mind, so the thoughts run off and escalate into something that it is so not
hey there lovely bones.
So I saw lovely bones today, pretty darn good. I’ve been waiting for so long to see it, it is rather scary though. Not a clue how it’s certificate is only a 12, it scared the bageebas out of me! I recommend you watch it, not so much like the book at all really, but it is a good adaptation.
I like book to film adaptations, it’s really interesting to see how someone else has imagined it and altered it. It’s hard for the film to be better than the book, and this one didn’t come close. They changed the story line too much; they didn’t really have the age progression so you had no idea of the time scale. Although in the middle they made it a lot more exciting than the book. Ha, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just say go and watch it, but take some tissues, this one’s a tearjerker.
I like book to film adaptations, it’s really interesting to see how someone else has imagined it and altered it. It’s hard for the film to be better than the book, and this one didn’t come close. They changed the story line too much; they didn’t really have the age progression so you had no idea of the time scale. Although in the middle they made it a lot more exciting than the book. Ha, I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just say go and watch it, but take some tissues, this one’s a tearjerker.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Just my luck
Well, if there’s one thing I absolutely detest it is shopping. I don’t know why, just everything about it makes me angry. The worst place I know is Oxford Street. As soon as I get on to the dreaded street, the bad mood just switches on, like clockwork. Aha, so prom dress shopping was never going to be fun, was it? Everything just looked awful on me; it just hung on me like a wetsuit. To be frank, I don’t think I’ll ever find one, I don’t want to stand out, but I don’t want to be boring, I don’t one anyone to have my dress, but vintage never fits. I’ll just go to prom in jeans and a Tee.
The worst thing about shopping is if you come home with nothing. You go through the pain and there’s no reward at the end?! And that’s what happened to me today
The worst thing about shopping is if you come home with nothing. You go through the pain and there’s no reward at the end?! And that’s what happened to me today
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Monday, 15 February 2010
a typical moan most would expect.
I hate, hate, hate being a teenager.
I hate the moods.
I hate the boringness.
I hate the acne.
I hate the predudices against us.
I hate the lack of travel.
I hate the stress.
I am a typical teenager, I do what you expect of me. I have random mood swings, and my reactions are sometimes completly over the top. But I hate it, it's so mundane. You could proberbly predict my actions, although every now and then i'll throw something on the table that may shock you. And yes, you'll go on and on about how shocked you are, and yes I will be thinking in my head "you hypocrite".
I was talking about sterotypical types in a friendship group last night, and I realised how hard I'm pushing to get rid of my sterotype. But it's never going to happen until there's a substatial change within my life. But it is true people do live up to a sterotype, aware of it or not. It's just something we all do. There;s one of each of us in every other group. Not necessarily a bad thing, because there's going to be someone who we can all relate to. Which makes life slightly easier in the long run. Everyone pushes against it, which makes us more sterotypical
OH the irony
I hate the moods.
I hate the boringness.
I hate the acne.
I hate the predudices against us.
I hate the lack of travel.
I hate the stress.
I am a typical teenager, I do what you expect of me. I have random mood swings, and my reactions are sometimes completly over the top. But I hate it, it's so mundane. You could proberbly predict my actions, although every now and then i'll throw something on the table that may shock you. And yes, you'll go on and on about how shocked you are, and yes I will be thinking in my head "you hypocrite".
I was talking about sterotypical types in a friendship group last night, and I realised how hard I'm pushing to get rid of my sterotype. But it's never going to happen until there's a substatial change within my life. But it is true people do live up to a sterotype, aware of it or not. It's just something we all do. There;s one of each of us in every other group. Not necessarily a bad thing, because there's going to be someone who we can all relate to. Which makes life slightly easier in the long run. Everyone pushes against it, which makes us more sterotypical
OH the irony
Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentines say is lame when you're single. And looking from the view point of a single, it doesn't seem all that great when you're with someone. It seems a slightly awkward day, should i get them a card? Or not? What if i get them something and they get me nothing?
Well I think this applies to some but not all.
I love the people who just automatically get their "significant others" something for valentines and they don't feel the need to question wheather to or not get anything.
I think thats cute, it shows you know someone well enough that questions are not neccessary because you just know.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
1 event invitation
Well all I can say about last night is that it was very eventful
I was in shock for the most part of the night, couldn't quite believe it.
Moving on, ahah, last night I realised to the stupid extent of how much of a lightweight I am. It's rideiculous, a couple of beers and I'm singing Elton John songs and dancing around (and i use the word 'dancing' very loosly, it more like jumping around) Oh dear not too good at all. But oh hey, less damage to my liver ;)
I seem to have this feeling as soon as alchol enters my system to act like a narna. It is very bad. But alchol and strong emotions are never a good combo, it just leads to bad things.
I suppose alchol just gives you that little nudge to say things you wouldn't ever really say, and in some cases it's good but in most cases it's bad.
So last night was good, just some bad things happened but they were fuled by alcohol.
I was in shock for the most part of the night, couldn't quite believe it.
Moving on, ahah, last night I realised to the stupid extent of how much of a lightweight I am. It's rideiculous, a couple of beers and I'm singing Elton John songs and dancing around (and i use the word 'dancing' very loosly, it more like jumping around) Oh dear not too good at all. But oh hey, less damage to my liver ;)
I seem to have this feeling as soon as alchol enters my system to act like a narna. It is very bad. But alchol and strong emotions are never a good combo, it just leads to bad things.
I suppose alchol just gives you that little nudge to say things you wouldn't ever really say, and in some cases it's good but in most cases it's bad.
So last night was good, just some bad things happened but they were fuled by alcohol.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Let's Update you.
Urgh, oh god!
I was just on face-to-the-ace-book and just yanno scrolling on through recent posts, someone had uploaded some pics, look through the album and BAM. There I am looking like a gremlin/ old man.
Aint life great?
Ho HUM, party tonight, excited, going to be cold, I want to wear trampish WARM clothes, some people are dressing up, wtf, craazy ladies, don;t want to die of hypothermia, got me some beer, but I dont want to get drunk, no photos allowed, please, no cameras at all, no drunk dancing, no doubt i'll fall over, please no laughing, and then ginas staying over.
I swear if she tries to steal my side of the bed, I will steal the cover (i'll do that anyway) and push her on the floor, I hope she reads this. :) LOVE YOU GINA.
Erm, pretty much had a shitty day, but I havent had a good day all week, so what did I expect?
Glad it's the half term so no worrying about school for a week, well thats what my head of year said in assembly. So I guess I HAVE to ;)
Hmm, pretty much love the sugababes new single, DON'T JUDGE ME. Its actually proper good and rather catchy. I would be proud to call it my own, but sadly it's not.
Oh and you're scaring me.
I was just on face-to-the-ace-book and just yanno scrolling on through recent posts, someone had uploaded some pics, look through the album and BAM. There I am looking like a gremlin/ old man.
Aint life great?
Ho HUM, party tonight, excited, going to be cold, I want to wear trampish WARM clothes, some people are dressing up, wtf, craazy ladies, don;t want to die of hypothermia, got me some beer, but I dont want to get drunk, no photos allowed, please, no cameras at all, no drunk dancing, no doubt i'll fall over, please no laughing, and then ginas staying over.
I swear if she tries to steal my side of the bed, I will steal the cover (i'll do that anyway) and push her on the floor, I hope she reads this. :) LOVE YOU GINA.
Erm, pretty much had a shitty day, but I havent had a good day all week, so what did I expect?
Glad it's the half term so no worrying about school for a week, well thats what my head of year said in assembly. So I guess I HAVE to ;)
Hmm, pretty much love the sugababes new single, DON'T JUDGE ME. Its actually proper good and rather catchy. I would be proud to call it my own, but sadly it's not.
Oh and you're scaring me.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
ooooh hello exam time table!
Time table.
Time table.
Hmm, not to sure how i'm feeling about this. Negative? Positive? IDK.
I mean the obvious thing is too feel very, very, very negative about it. It signals the time where I will have zilcheo social life and the time where i'll be so stressed my face will be one big spot and the time where i'll be so scared and nervous of failing and therfore screwing up my plans for sixth form. Yes, these are all clearly very negative and very boring.
(I feel like i'm using the word 'very' a lot?)
Anyway, yes, exam time table is negative.
However, once again I've reliased i've let fear and my imagination run away together and have compleatly overestimated the amount of exams i'll be taking. By the looks of things, it's basically one - three exam a week. Exculding the week begining the 7th of june...
Thats one everyday that week ;| yikes!
Not looking forward to that week, and it's most of my important ones ;| Whereas my life exam is surrounded by NOTHING. Ridiculous. That annoys me.
So, back to what I was saying, not to bad, not too bad. And I suppose which exams a couple of minutes of revison is in order for ;)
And plus, I finish compulsery education on the 17th of June. (unless my art/german speaking date is after this, i still haven't been told) And thats it for two months, then I really start heading towards "the dream" ;)
Oh and reading! Woop, can't wait for my extended summer holiday, it wil be exceelent, and lets pray I do pretty damn excellent in my exams ;D
So then the summer cannot be intterupted with nervousness and failure ehh?
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
LEAVE. Please?
I hate you, you evil things. Where do you get the idea that I enjoy you being on my face? I rub chemicals into you every day, scrub and scrub untill i've ended up with a large patch of dry skin, but STILL you stay on my face you horrible things. I'm continnually conscious of you, and want you to dissapear. I'm pretty sure you don't hang around all my friends faces as much as you hang around mine. The worst thing is, you stick around for ages, you just don't know when to leave. There's a few of you who have seen the whole of last year with me, my life is not intressting, you'll be waiting a long time to see something exciting, so just leave now?
The amount of effort I put in to fight you off just seems to not affect you, you must be immune
Well you know what spots, DAMN YOU.
You're the extra hassle I really do not need.
The amount of effort I put in to fight you off just seems to not affect you, you must be immune
Well you know what spots, DAMN YOU.
You're the extra hassle I really do not need.
Monday, 8 February 2010
Thank you subways.
A complete random thought popped into my head the other day. "What happened to the subways?" So I looked them up on spotify and found that they haven't relased anything new since 2008. I was shocked. They really are such a good band. And what makes them even better is that they are from Welwyn Garden City. I get such a thrill whenever the name of a place I live near/ where i'm from. It's so great to think there is talent in this little, average, suburban town. It's really excellent, I even know people who knew/know them. So if you think about it, i'm kind of in like a 7conections sort of way connected to them. I get a kick out of that.
I would be dissapointed if they were crap beacause its lke saying our town is talentless, but NO. I enjoy their music, and i've been listening to them a lot today and I think I proberbly will for a while. Its kind of like a posh tone to rock, which pushes it above the crappy american repetitive music we all love.
Ahha, on spotify there lastest album has a few bonus accostic tracks, it sounds even better with it all stripped back, my favorite is Strawberry blond - have a listeeeen: http://open.spotify.com/track/5euVtHMXyy7BTuHhVOY2Yl
Jeez man. Right this is a warning, this blog is going to be such a moan, i'm sorry.
I'm so fed up with teachers. I swear they are actually scared of some of the students. I hate how some people get their way just because they have a big mouth on them. The only reason, they get their way is because the teacher wants to avoid the hassle if they do the right thing. Giving them their way because they know we won't make as much fuss. It stupid, so stupid. I really don't know how people get away with doing that. It's like when a person who continually plays up, and is good for one lesson and then the teachers praise them so much its like, right? What the hell?
Fustrates me to no end.
Its not even like "cool bad" its like "shut-up-you-annoy-everyone bad" I wish people came with volume control. I don't want to hear you screaching crap at people. So do us all a favour and learn how to be nice and get some manners. yeah?
I'm so fed up with teachers. I swear they are actually scared of some of the students. I hate how some people get their way just because they have a big mouth on them. The only reason, they get their way is because the teacher wants to avoid the hassle if they do the right thing. Giving them their way because they know we won't make as much fuss. It stupid, so stupid. I really don't know how people get away with doing that. It's like when a person who continually plays up, and is good for one lesson and then the teachers praise them so much its like, right? What the hell?
Fustrates me to no end.
Its not even like "cool bad" its like "shut-up-you-annoy-everyone bad" I wish people came with volume control. I don't want to hear you screaching crap at people. So do us all a favour and learn how to be nice and get some manners. yeah?
Sunday, 7 February 2010
oh noooooooooooo, classic mistake made once again by me.
"nahh i wont save it, i wont need to print it again"
i have to retype 2 pages of god damn coursework.
oh no
I like to make life difficult for myself...
oh noooooooooooo, classic mistake made once again by me.
"nahh i wont save it, i wont need to print it again"
i have to retype 2 pages of god damn coursework.
oh no
I like to make life difficult for myself...
I want to jump from place to place, from continent to continent, I get bored easily.
I want to find a new place, this town is boring me.
It's the same old, same old routine.
And it's getting old.
I want to chnage places but see the same faces, familiar is nice, but throw in a bit of change and it;s an excellent mixture.
Repition gets old and ruins what was a good thing, just like re-doing something over and over.
Like this essay, i've redone it too many times, that this time I feel as though it can't get any better, everything i do, it stays the same even when i've changed it all. This essay is getting too familiar for my liking.
This time, i'll work so hard on it, that it won't get sent back and asked to be changed again.
This time, it'll work.
I'll force myself if i have too.
But I will not see this essay again.
Ta daaaaa
I want to find a new place, this town is boring me.
It's the same old, same old routine.
And it's getting old.
I want to chnage places but see the same faces, familiar is nice, but throw in a bit of change and it;s an excellent mixture.
Repition gets old and ruins what was a good thing, just like re-doing something over and over.
Like this essay, i've redone it too many times, that this time I feel as though it can't get any better, everything i do, it stays the same even when i've changed it all. This essay is getting too familiar for my liking.
This time, i'll work so hard on it, that it won't get sent back and asked to be changed again.
This time, it'll work.
I'll force myself if i have too.
But I will not see this essay again.
Ta daaaaa
Friday, 5 February 2010
I had this art thing today at school, and I don't know it just made really like aware and exciting about everything. They we're saying how everything can be incoperated into art and I started to really think about that. There was this one thing one of the guys said "If you say something is a work of art, it is" It got me thinking.
There isn't a definition of your opinion. People think differently about things, so nothing is ever bad, someone likes it somewhere, fair enough less people may like osmething but there will be someone who likes it. Even if the only person is you.
Like when someon says "oh you've got really bad taste in music" and i admit, i've said that. But thats not right, it's not a 'bad taste' it's just a different opinion.
I think thats why i'm getting so into art, because i like how influential it actually is and how it can change someones view about something. Right i know how lame and deep this is seeming but i just wanted to share what i realised today.
I know now, that if i have a true pasion for something, i should follow it, even if it means that I'm not going down the commercial route and nessecarily the best finacial option, but if it's something I enjoy, i'll get something out of it, even if i don't know what I am going to get out of it just yet.
But to conclude, I don't know how my life and how the choices i've taken will affect my life, but i want it to be something worth doing, something with a meaning and something i bealieve in.
Right I promise i won't do another "deep and meaningful" blog in a very long time, I realise i'm not the type and also, i'm not so good at it :)
Thursday, 4 February 2010
I can officially say, things suck right now.
Today was crappy especially the afternoon as always :|
Oh dear why am I such a moody arse?
I'm just feeling so 'blah' right now and I really cannot be bothered for anything.
Everything just seems to be going wrong,
my art is going so crap
chemisty is too much of a struggle
english bores me
home bores me
and theres a certain someone who is continually doing my head in.
yeah, things are great right now.
Today was crappy especially the afternoon as always :|
Oh dear why am I such a moody arse?
I'm just feeling so 'blah' right now and I really cannot be bothered for anything.
Everything just seems to be going wrong,
my art is going so crap
chemisty is too much of a struggle
english bores me
home bores me
and theres a certain someone who is continually doing my head in.
yeah, things are great right now.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
3 months
this can't be right?!
Jeeez man, 3 months untill my gcse's start what the actual hell!
This upests me a lot, I thought I had tonnnes of time left, apparently not.
I don't even know when to start revsing? Oh dear, i'm too keen.
But atleast its what? 5 months untill I get to do the subjects I actually want to do, and with the summer brings reading!
AHH dear super excited!
And, the line up is realsed pretty soon!
It'd be soo good if it was an brilliant line up, i'm talking:
Biffy Clyro
Brand new
Foo fighters
You me at six
ahh any of them will do me :)
Super excited
but then even if it's not a good line up, it's still going to be blooddy amazing!
so three months is a short time but then it's only a few more after that and then things really will start getting hard, but so much more exciting and intressting :)
Jeeez man, 3 months untill my gcse's start what the actual hell!
This upests me a lot, I thought I had tonnnes of time left, apparently not.
I don't even know when to start revsing? Oh dear, i'm too keen.
But atleast its what? 5 months untill I get to do the subjects I actually want to do, and with the summer brings reading!
AHH dear super excited!
And, the line up is realsed pretty soon!
It'd be soo good if it was an brilliant line up, i'm talking:
Biffy Clyro
Brand new
Foo fighters
You me at six
ahh any of them will do me :)
Super excited
but then even if it's not a good line up, it's still going to be blooddy amazing!
so three months is a short time but then it's only a few more after that and then things really will start getting hard, but so much more exciting and intressting :)
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
whata rubbish day?
meeeerh, it sucked.
so tired, so bored, so cba
eurghh can;t wait until today is over
tomorrow has to beat today.
meeeerh, it sucked.
so tired, so bored, so cba
eurghh can;t wait until today is over
tomorrow has to beat today.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Laura Marling
I'm just loving her music so much right now. I go through phases of types of music I listen to, I get bored easily. But it's kinda good like that, cause then I get to listen to all sorts of music and it's always good to know whats out there. :)
At the moment, acoustic mellow stuff is really my thing and Laura Marling is just that, its like piano/guitar/voice/beat with amazing lyrics. Ahh dear, give her a listen?
"He walked down a busy streetStaring solely at his feetClutching pictures of past lovers at his sideStood at the table where she satAnd removed his hatIn respect of her presencePresents her with the pictures and saysThese are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met you.These are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met youOpened up his little heartUnlocked the lock that kept it darkAnd read a written warningSaying Im still mourningOver ghostsOver ghostsOver ghostsOver ghosts that broke my heart before I met you"
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