Sunday, 31 January 2010
Things are wooshing past right now, and I only seem to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Huge chunks have just seemed to flash by. Sometimes I feel as though I really am wasting my time, that if i'm doing something that isn't important or substantial, there is no point in doing it, so I should stop doing it, but I don't, I carry on. I want to do things that have a point, I don't want to waste time with nonsense. Everything's nonsense, there is nothing to do. Restictions. I'm at an age where i'm too old to go to activty camps or whatever, but i'm not old enough to go to clubs, travel on my own. SO LAME.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
I lauged so hard at this.
My dad wanted me to draw him, for his birthday and it turned out looking like one of the brothers from oasis/a star treker :')
It did amuse me, my dad didn't take it as much of a compliment... ahah
Oh, and ignore the hair and the lips.
He really doesn't have a mohecan...
Thursday, 28 January 2010
school is really weighing me
ahh dear, i've got so much to to and I feel as though there is no time left untill the main bulk of exams:\
I swear i'm behind in every lesson, i'm finding it so hard too keep on top of things : The weekends are just not long enough to fit everything that must be done into them, I just need an extra day?
I'm in such a depressive mood right now, I don;t know how i got into it, screw that other post i did about frowning, i'm frowning so hard right now, using double the muscle, wow that rhymed. But i don't even care
such a horrid mood, plue i have babysitting and maths homework later. And to finish of my moan: we have this year 11 parents evening today and my mum was too ill to go, so basically stood up all of my teachers and i'm the one who has to deal with them at school. Don't get me wrong, i'm not annoyed at my mum at all, she's ill, it happens, not her fault. I'm just annoyed that I'm the one who gets moaned at, i blame teachers and illnesses. I wish they would both just lay off, and take a break and let us have a break. That would be nice.
Nice isn't the best word, but right now, nice would be so great :
ahh dear, i've got so much to to and I feel as though there is no time left untill the main bulk of exams:\
I swear i'm behind in every lesson, i'm finding it so hard too keep on top of things : The weekends are just not long enough to fit everything that must be done into them, I just need an extra day?
I'm in such a depressive mood right now, I don;t know how i got into it, screw that other post i did about frowning, i'm frowning so hard right now, using double the muscle, wow that rhymed. But i don't even care
such a horrid mood, plue i have babysitting and maths homework later. And to finish of my moan: we have this year 11 parents evening today and my mum was too ill to go, so basically stood up all of my teachers and i'm the one who has to deal with them at school. Don't get me wrong, i'm not annoyed at my mum at all, she's ill, it happens, not her fault. I'm just annoyed that I'm the one who gets moaned at, i blame teachers and illnesses. I wish they would both just lay off, and take a break and let us have a break. That would be nice.
Nice isn't the best word, but right now, nice would be so great :
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
OH john mayer
you make my days, but today you ruined it.
I was so excited to see that you had added a new tour date, and i was like yea yea gonna goo wooo!!
BUT, then i realesed 2 days later i had a chemistry exam. Why would you do a gig when all the exams are starting?! This means I will not be allowed.
I wanted to see you so bad, so, john mayer, i ask you, or god, or anyone, for you to do another show in london or near abouts, at a time when i can actually go. And soon preferably, because i can't wait much longer.
So, if you do, I'll be so happy, and it's good to make people happy...
ahaha, may post this on your twitter?
then i'll know you actually read this, although you're proberbly getting so many messages from fans, why would you read mine?
oh dear.
i want to see john mayer so bad.
i love him
and his music.
♥ :'(
you make my days, but today you ruined it.
I was so excited to see that you had added a new tour date, and i was like yea yea gonna goo wooo!!
BUT, then i realesed 2 days later i had a chemistry exam. Why would you do a gig when all the exams are starting?! This means I will not be allowed.
I wanted to see you so bad, so, john mayer, i ask you, or god, or anyone, for you to do another show in london or near abouts, at a time when i can actually go. And soon preferably, because i can't wait much longer.
So, if you do, I'll be so happy, and it's good to make people happy...
ahaha, may post this on your twitter?
then i'll know you actually read this, although you're proberbly getting so many messages from fans, why would you read mine?
oh dear.
i want to see john mayer so bad.
i love him
and his music.
♥ :'(
Monday, 25 January 2010
Hello, had a biology exam today, went allright, I think...
I feel more like I need to work hard in biology as its something I want to do in 6th form, so I worked me arse off for that exam, jesus, it was hard work. But hopefully it was worth it :)
Chemisty exam in 2 days-not so confident AT ALL.
Ahh dear, 2 days worth of revising for that one : not enough..
ohh things are good in school at the moment, I even got a postacard home from maths :)
i'm in a good mood :)
betttter get revising
Sunday, 24 January 2010
its cheeper to smile
you know what i just found out?
It takes half as many muscles to smile that it does to frown.
I'm going to think about this next time i feel a frown comming on :)
It takes half as many muscles to smile that it does to frown.
I'm going to think about this next time i feel a frown comming on :)
Saturday, 23 January 2010
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♥
today has consisted of a lot of revision, i better do good in my exams
i woke up at bloddy 8 o'clock to revise- so keen.
but then again i did go to bed at 10.30 last night, i was exauhusted after all my craying at seven pounds-it's so good!
party tonight-should be good :)
then revsion again tomorrow?
thought i'd just let you know...
Friday, 22 January 2010
I'm scared, I'm scared of failing.
I hate the fact I have exams next week, I'm not prepared for it at all, last time I felt much more confident that this? I'm sure.
Why is 4,5,6 all combined? It makes my life hell.
damn you. I should revise but its a friday, i'll revise later, leave it untill tomorrow, i'll get round to it.
This is why i'm going to fail.
Also, I have a problem, you see I gave up eating cheese and milk, to gain good skin, and here's my problemo, I have pizza for dinner, i've been doing so well, seeing as cheese and milk was a big part of my diet and it was so hard to give it up. I think if I eat the chease on the pizza, it'll be harder to not eat it again. BAD TIMES. ohh me and my cheese dihlema ;')
On a more positive note, i'm excited for drama, we started our final peice and its something I like that was certainly unexpected ;o
I'm so interested in the character i'm playing, I've remebred why I used to love drama so much.
So I came straight home and began my research for my character :) i'm super excited, the ideas our group came with are so cool,
it's going to be good...
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
so yannoo what
this is a pointless thing to bog about but it so deserves a mention, i have 9 follows, fair enough one of them is me, BUT STILL. ahah
I should've proberbly done a blog when I got to 10 followers but I prefer the number 9. ;)
I love the fact that it's called "follower" it just makes it seem so cool, like people worship you, I know this isnt the case but yanoo it sounds like it. Ha, jesus had followers, bands have followers and SO DO I ;D
To google a follower is; a person who accepts the leadership of another
To the online dictionary a follower is; an enthusiast or supporter
To urban dictitionary a follower is; Someone who has the inability to think for themself and does everything the "leader" of the group says. An empty shell of a person with no soul.
ahahahha follow ME.
this is a pointless thing to bog about but it so deserves a mention, i have 9 follows, fair enough one of them is me, BUT STILL. ahah
I should've proberbly done a blog when I got to 10 followers but I prefer the number 9. ;)
I love the fact that it's called "follower" it just makes it seem so cool, like people worship you, I know this isnt the case but yanoo it sounds like it. Ha, jesus had followers, bands have followers and SO DO I ;D
To google a follower is; a person who accepts the leadership of another
To the online dictionary a follower is; an enthusiast or supporter
To urban dictitionary a follower is; Someone who has the inability to think for themself and does everything the "leader" of the group says. An empty shell of a person with no soul.
ahahahha follow ME.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Lovely bones.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Lets partaay
Welllll, went to me pal Taylor's birthday party last night. Pretty good times.
I love being a lightweight, no joke 2 beers and i was pretty wasted. Whoever says being a lightweight is a bad thing is SO wrong! Think how much money we save ;)
gotttta love it!
Ahah, so start of the night- crazy and couldn't stop dancing
then me and phill ended up dancing with jacobs brother- he is such a legend and seriously has some good dancemoves. Althogh, nothing can beat jacobs "robot". Aha so funny.
Then i was lucky enough to catch craig dancing on video- woah. That was certainly something out of this world aha ( this was just before he wished me happy birthday, even though it wasnt my birthday )
But, unfourtunatly, I got myslef into a mood. Deffo because I began getting sober :( aha i'm so lame, that was so unlike me.
SO i just ate for a while and took mug shots of people, which is always fun.
Then i didnt have a chance to drink my last bottle of beer, and woke up with it beside my bed :')
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Friday, 15 January 2010
Today has certainly been a mixture of emotion.
Drama was lame, as i'm faling i have an extra lesson after school on thursday to boost my grade, WTF?! I hate drama. Next week is going to be the worst, wednesday: rehersal + performance. Thursday: extra lesson. Friday: DOUBLE DRAMA. oh deary me. So this news clearly put me in a crappy arse mood ; and i continued to be in my foul mood throughout english.
Next emotion : embarressment. enough said, I hate that I blush so easily.
Maths. Where we were to recieve our module 3 gcse results. I GOT AN A!
This put me in SUCH a good mood! i was almost crying, I was so proud of myself :') I was only expecting a B maximum, but turned out getting better! SO great!
It really made me think that if I actually put effort in, you get results. I guess it's true what they say "you reep what you sew" from now on, i'm going to put so much effort in.
However, continuing on in my jouney of moods, i was super excited to tell my mother the excellent news- she was happy for about 5mins but then started to tell me about chores :/
I hate it when I get dragged out of my good mood. The topic began at chores and just got worse and worse, wasn't best happy.
I felt as though I wasn't even alowed to be happy for more than a couple of seconds. And this upset me.
Next emotion: sadness. I got in a stress. Que the loud music. Bad times. I decided to stop being so selfish and pathetic and thought i'd go share the news with my sister and her boyf. ( her boyfriend was the one who tutored me, and got me myy A ) So, they didn't seem all that excited either.
But the main thing was, that i was proud of myself, right?
So i dragged my mood back up, but to be frank, I never got to the level that I was whilst I was walking home WHICH SUCKS because I love being that happy. I love happiness.
hmmmmm, what was my next mood - proberbly quite a mellow one, i went to my friend taylors house, it's her birthday you see so we went round and kept her company, which was good :)
Although something got broke, which made things a little awkward but it was finnnnnnne.
THEN I got an indian, so yannoo of course i'd be happy, I love my food. I have a feeling obesity will be a problem when i'm older, ahah thats going to fun ;)
what a rainbowww ehhh?
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Really I'd just like to write a post about how great my sister is. I have no clue where i would be without her, most likely married to a tree i guess ha!
I was a strange child, back in the day i thought it was OK to marry objects oh how wrong i was.
Shes just rather cool really and it may sound like shes forcing me to write this but really i just wanted to give her a shout out and say 'Emma thanks for just being you.'
I was a strange child, back in the day i thought it was OK to marry objects oh how wrong i was.
Shes just rather cool really and it may sound like shes forcing me to write this but really i just wanted to give her a shout out and say 'Emma thanks for just being you.'
A positive outlook.
things seem to be looking good, well at this moment in time it does. Hey, i'm a teenage I change my mind a lot. Ha, schools alright, you kind of get into the swing of it and then you don't really mind it that much. Some lessons I even enjoy ;o! I'm going to try to be more positive about drama this year, i';ve avoided it for about 6/7 weeks now, which is bad but not my fault. I;m hoping that if I'm more open to it, i'll improve my grade. Drama just scares me a bit. The idea of doing it was to build up my confidence, however in drama lessons i have zilcho confidence and urge time to hurry the hell up. BUT, things will change, I promise.
I did this in geography last term, I was doing bad, like really bad, but i just convinced myself i liked it, and now i'm predicted an A, so i'm hoping it'll work for drama.
I suppose you can convice yourself to think about something diffferntly and you can actually change how you feel about it.
I don't know whether this is good or bad?
I suppose, in some cases, yes it obbviously is good, like in school and if someones annoying you? But like if you do it with other things you start to ignore how you really feel and things could get complicated in the long term.
So, the plan is to encorage myself to do better in school subjects...but in other areas to actually go with my gut feeling.
I swear the voice in my head is not clear enough sometimes.
I can't believe revision has put me in a good mood! ;o
things seem to be looking good, well at this moment in time it does. Hey, i'm a teenage I change my mind a lot. Ha, schools alright, you kind of get into the swing of it and then you don't really mind it that much. Some lessons I even enjoy ;o! I'm going to try to be more positive about drama this year, i';ve avoided it for about 6/7 weeks now, which is bad but not my fault. I;m hoping that if I'm more open to it, i'll improve my grade. Drama just scares me a bit. The idea of doing it was to build up my confidence, however in drama lessons i have zilcho confidence and urge time to hurry the hell up. BUT, things will change, I promise.
I did this in geography last term, I was doing bad, like really bad, but i just convinced myself i liked it, and now i'm predicted an A, so i'm hoping it'll work for drama.
I suppose you can convice yourself to think about something diffferntly and you can actually change how you feel about it.
I don't know whether this is good or bad?
I suppose, in some cases, yes it obbviously is good, like in school and if someones annoying you? But like if you do it with other things you start to ignore how you really feel and things could get complicated in the long term.
So, the plan is to encorage myself to do better in school subjects...but in other areas to actually go with my gut feeling.
I swear the voice in my head is not clear enough sometimes.
I can't believe revision has put me in a good mood! ;o
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Half Day

Well, i love this weather so much.
Turn up to school, miss chemisty for an hour of samlearning, then about half way through maths, the little student receptionists turn up carring possibley the best news ever. In english we were informed of this message and finalllly got to go home early!
Whoever says they do not like the snow, is evil.
In the snow it's cool to look a mess and wear geeky clothing, its cool to not bother with any work, it's just cool.
I know i should be hitting the revision books but, lets be realistic for a sec,
I. Cannot. Be. Bothered.
Simple really, shame physics isn't.
Ahh dear revsion can wait, right now i have things to do ;)
catch ya' later
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Monday, 11 January 2010
hold me down.
You me at six?
oh yes.
oh yes.
Hold me down. Pretty damn good if you ask me. However it is slightly samey, but that's kind of what makes it good, in a really dodgy way? Ha. It repeats what you love, basically. At first listen it seems excelent, but with the sameyness effect I think most songs will get old quick. Which upsets me, but it's practically fate.
I was considering going to one of their gigs, googled their tour, found a date, clicked on "buy tickets" and saw that it was only seated tickets left. what the hell!
Who pays £17 odd to sit down?
anzzz says:
seats are for children and the elderly.
anzzz says:
seats are for children and the elderly.
and that is the answer to that.
It's not a party unless you're fighting you;re way forward being shuved from every direction and.. wake up in the morning with 5475716757x bruises and.. with your back feeling as though you've been kicked 52435365 x
The consequence has got to be the best.
And liquid confidence has got to be the worst.
It just shows that everyone is a fan of classic Hazza P, as this band has stolen a name of a potion from it,
liquid confidence...you mean liquid luck?
youmeatsix, I sussed you out, ;)
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Ha school is cancelled yet again, although I am starting to feel myself getting dumber by the minute. So today i decided to do a little bit of revion.
so much fun
I'm really starting to feel all the stress of exams and i do not like it, one bit, not at all, no thank you. I just want to do really well, but revision is so go damn boring! I just can't keep on at it for it to make any differnt. Even now, i'm currently halfway through a samlearning revion activity but i thought i deserved a break and came on to blogger. Which is good, but you don't get a gcse in blogger now, do you? I should propose that idea, blogger gcse, yes please! You wouldn't even need to revise, and revision is the doom of my existance. Ha.
I HATE REVSION. I'd rather be out in the snow!
so much fun
I'm really starting to feel all the stress of exams and i do not like it, one bit, not at all, no thank you. I just want to do really well, but revision is so go damn boring! I just can't keep on at it for it to make any differnt. Even now, i'm currently halfway through a samlearning revion activity but i thought i deserved a break and came on to blogger. Which is good, but you don't get a gcse in blogger now, do you? I should propose that idea, blogger gcse, yes please! You wouldn't even need to revise, and revision is the doom of my existance. Ha.
I HATE REVSION. I'd rather be out in the snow!
Thursday, 7 January 2010
snow day 2
yesterday was so great.
I walked in the woods
I made a snowman in town
I had a snowball fight in town (got beaten)
Another snowball fight (got beaten, again)
Went to Bobby's shed and watched a film
Walked in the woods
Night sledging.
was the best day ever.
and i'm about to have another great day today.
yay for the snow
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
AHAHA you do not understand how much i love the snow.I like how it just makes everything stop in its tracks and people can actually have time to take in what surrounds us. When it snows, there's even beauty in the motorway, and i like that.
BUT if it does snow lots and lots and lots and lots and we have the day off, i'll most likey be inside doing some art, but thats ok.
Monday, 4 January 2010
So, i'm awake. I woke up this morning and outside there was a frosty coating ontop of everything, yet the sun was rather powerful. There's something about the noise when you tread on frozen grass, mud and leaves that almost gives me a thrill. I love it. The little 'crunch' as you tread over what is usually wet and soggy.
To update you on the bordom of last night, I ended up watching Awake. This wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but it was all i had. I really really really really enjoyed this film, i liked the way it was all set around one operation and was genuinly shocked when i found out the "big twist", please watch it.
I went to sleep early to wake up early, so then I could do me coursework. Yay. I had started to make progress but then I thought i'd come on blogger and blog a bit about my progress, slightly ironic? Now that i'm on here, no progress is being made on my biology coursework. Now, if you happen to be reading this and you are a bioligist and you think "well hey, i'll write your coursework for you!" then please tell me.
Only 2 pages left to write now.
Better get on with it..
To update you on the bordom of last night, I ended up watching Awake. This wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but it was all i had. I really really really really enjoyed this film, i liked the way it was all set around one operation and was genuinly shocked when i found out the "big twist", please watch it.
I went to sleep early to wake up early, so then I could do me coursework. Yay. I had started to make progress but then I thought i'd come on blogger and blog a bit about my progress, slightly ironic? Now that i'm on here, no progress is being made on my biology coursework. Now, if you happen to be reading this and you are a bioligist and you think "well hey, i'll write your coursework for you!" then please tell me.
Only 2 pages left to write now.
Better get on with it..
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Bored out of my brain
Bordom is dredful.
Bordom is horrid.
Bordom is bloody boring.
Sitting here with bordom as my accomplice, I think just about anything could improve my evening. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
I can hear two tvs, gavin and stacy on one, and just amumur comming from the other and the snoring of my dog, wag. There's the humming of the computer which regular rhythm is putting me to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep?
ooh maybe sleep is the best and funnest thing for me to do tonight, although that wouldn't be very intressting for my virtual diary. I want to be able to say, well i'm going to call up some secret and sneek outside my window and go on an adventure that i wouldn't forget.
Sadly this is not the case, i have no secret to call up.
But do you know what, i got rid of my chapped lips today with a toothbrush and hotwater.
so if you have chapped lips and you're extemaly bored why don't you try it, ay?
Oh and if there is an award for the most boringest post ever I WIN.
Bordom is horrid.
Bordom is bloody boring.
Sitting here with bordom as my accomplice, I think just about anything could improve my evening. If you have any ideas, please let me know!
I can hear two tvs, gavin and stacy on one, and just amumur comming from the other and the snoring of my dog, wag. There's the humming of the computer which regular rhythm is putting me to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep?
ooh maybe sleep is the best and funnest thing for me to do tonight, although that wouldn't be very intressting for my virtual diary. I want to be able to say, well i'm going to call up some secret and sneek outside my window and go on an adventure that i wouldn't forget.
Sadly this is not the case, i have no secret to call up.
But do you know what, i got rid of my chapped lips today with a toothbrush and hotwater.
so if you have chapped lips and you're extemaly bored why don't you try it, ay?
Oh and if there is an award for the most boringest post ever I WIN.
illness and revison doesn't pair up too nicley, does it?
Hello, hello, hello.
So after recovering last night, from what I thought was the most pain i've ever been in, I feel triumphant. HA. But i'm still feeling ill and have been since chistmas eve, yeah i know what your thinking "sucks to be you" and the reply would be a simple "yes."
OH dear.
After what seems a very quick chirstmas holiday I'm left with a lot of coursework. AQll holiday i've felt it folllowing me around, wanting me to get some out of the way. However, i contiuned to run and tried to hide from it in town, friends houses, going out for lunch and such. And now what? Well i'm left with 2 weeks worth of school work to do in 2 days, whilst i'm ill.
boo hoo:'(
i better get a start on it, see i'm still trying to avoid it as though its the plauge or something...
So after recovering last night, from what I thought was the most pain i've ever been in, I feel triumphant. HA. But i'm still feeling ill and have been since chistmas eve, yeah i know what your thinking "sucks to be you" and the reply would be a simple "yes."
OH dear.
After what seems a very quick chirstmas holiday I'm left with a lot of coursework. AQll holiday i've felt it folllowing me around, wanting me to get some out of the way. However, i contiuned to run and tried to hide from it in town, friends houses, going out for lunch and such. And now what? Well i'm left with 2 weeks worth of school work to do in 2 days, whilst i'm ill.
boo hoo:'(
i better get a start on it, see i'm still trying to avoid it as though its the plauge or something...
Saturday, 2 January 2010
So today is my sisters 18th. This seems kind of old and I don't understand how its gotten here so fast. It seems quite parculiar. I have a theory that about a year ago the way time works has started to just happen quicker, and the clocks are in on it too ;)
People seem to get older quicker and this scares me as I am getting older too. Soon enough i'll be all wrinkly and have grandchilden and constantly think to myself, "boy doesn't time just fly by?".
Haha, back to my sisters 18th, i hope she has a gooden and that just because she's 18 that doesn't stop her from having funny times with her liittle sis. ;D
Friday, 1 January 2010
I listen to music.
Oh air traffic. Music changes moods, either makes you feel good or bad.
Currently i'm listning to air traffic and i hope after you have read this you will be too. A personal favorite is No more running away it makes me feel happy and calm.
go on, have a listen...
Oh air traffic. Music changes moods, either makes you feel good or bad.
Currently i'm listning to air traffic and i hope after you have read this you will be too. A personal favorite is No more running away it makes me feel happy and calm.
go on, have a listen...
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