Sunday, 16 January 2011

Quick update

hello once again, I really need to come back to blogger much more regually as i really do enjoy it.
So, what's been happening in my life recently? Well...
not a lot to be frank, which kind of sucks, i've always wanted to have a really fun life, in which i'd do so many cool things and just literally live for fun and experience. But recently i've been consumed by all my horrid school work, which i don't really have much intrest in yet i seem to be spending all my valuable time doing it. Doesn't make too much sense does it? And the really sad thing about it is that, if there wasn't so much pressure on me( some i put on myself, some by my family, some by my teacher, but mostly just because we're in a kind of world where you have to prove you're good enough, all the time) i would proberbly be much more happy. I'm trying to have a more positive outlook on life, being a pesmistic is really quite draining and I'm sure it's not the way to lead a good life.
So, seeing as it's the new year, i'm promising to have lots more fun and be less uptight, go on some adventures, laugh more, have a more easy breezy attitude.