So there I was, staring my exams straight in the face, although I thought the showdown was 3 weeks away, I had the horrible realisation in my enligsh class that infact it was only 2. Now my first reaction was "huhuhjkshdjklhklj?!?"??!?" and then by "CRAAAAAAAAAAAP" then by, "have I even done any revision?" then finally "stop have a thought conversation and pay attention and learn something" Ha.
So yes, horrifc news. Isn't it horrible when you think something is further away than it actually is. It's the horrid thought of falliure that scares the liiving days out of me. Because it would mean I would've lost the 2 year battle against my upcomming exams, and I cannot deal with losing.
I've done about 2 hours revision tonight, but I don't even know if thats enough? I should proberbly do some more? Yes, good plan batman.
ps. Just heard that gordon brown will be resigning, saddens me so much, genuinly thought I loved him. But after seeing the possible next leader of the labour party, david milliband, i've realised he's so much better.